
They were all gathered along the left field line trying to grab a souvenir ball in play.

“High home” is the standard name for the camera above home that would normally be taken for most balls in play, and the CCU is the camera control unit in the truck which controls the shading and other adjustments for pro cameras . As far as the whale, I can’t speak to it specifically, but in the digital realm, color

I was getting a chuckle out of the refs wildly blowing their whistles after the shot, ostensibly signaling to ‘wait’ before celebrating and allow them to make sure the shot was off in time and that no time should go back on the clock. But confetti guy was having none of that. Honestly, had that shot missed, the

Yeah, but he clearly has large hands, so that can’t be true.

It’s pulled from the center channel of the 5.1 audio... same way Deadspin gets those lovely ISOs of the drunk guy yelling racist shit in the crowd over and over at Bills Raiders certain games.

Not gaming related, but rather movie piracy related. I live in a small town, and a small town wannabe film director provided his first big masterpiece with actual outside funding and someone you may have actually heard of in it. It was enough of a piece of shit that it went straight to DVD, and held the official

Yeah, the audio and video are out of sync. Compare the sound of the ball hitting the rim on the way in also.

Pretty sure I remember seeing this on Real TV or one of it’s knockoff ‘caught on tape’ shows in the late 90s...

Yeah, here’s a rendering of it.

Well, I’m fortunate that the air here is stupid dry most of the time anyway, so the humidity might be a little less of a factor for me (plus the fact my A/C will inevitably be running enough anyway, even without the cooking heat). Every time I see one of these I get closer to taking the plunge.

Well, I’m fortunate that the air here is stupid dry most of the time anyway, so the humidity might be a little less

Question for you, or any other sous vide-r that notices this...
Living somewhere HOT where cool air is a premium (baking is a four letter word in the summer here)... how much heat does the process end up giving off? Obviously less than if it were a pot of boiling water, but I’m just wondering how much heat would come

Question for you, or any other sous vide-r that notices this...
Living somewhere HOT where cool air is a premium

Yeah. Living where I am, across town from the busiest air station under the Navy (it’s an MCAS), 20 miles from one bombing range, 30 miles from where the Army tests all their tanks and tank-killer artillery, and ~45 miles from another full-on no-bombs-too-big bombing range, you just kinda tune out the building shaking

Then why do so many vehicles have ones that flash, at least initially, now?

I’m shaming Planet Fitness.

Now playing

I went a couple times as a guest and never heard it. There’s videos of people ‘trolling’ it, but it seems like it must be manually activated or something, as I don’t get how they could have something detect grunting and dropping weights but not tripped by the music or any other background noise that’s in there. And

Clearly not Planet Fitness, since I don’t hear a Lunk Alarm. Or see anyone eating pizza.

They don’t want you to have the choice, just the same as why a la carte channel selection for cable is not happening any time soon. ESPN or whichever sports net of your choice pays big bucks to the leagues for rights, they in turn use borderline extortion tactics to force cable systems into making you get (and pay

Wanted to share it on FB earlier so badly... but my troll skills are weak today.