
That’s not a Tricaster they used there though, it’s a box called the ‘AllSport CG’ made by Daktronics, the scoreboard manufacturer, and typically used by schools who want the info burned onto their game footage. I’ve never seen one used ‘on-air’ or for a web stream.

Yeah. I've fired a few Glocks owned by friends and the angle of the grip is totally whack to me. I've got big hands, and my Springfield XDM 9mm feels like it was custom molded to my hand.

Also, if you’re near a Hastings, their movie rentals are all free today... blu-ray included.

Also, if you’re near a Hastings, their movie rentals are all free today... blu-ray included.

You know CBS has to be working every angle they can to sweettalk the NFL into rolling this into CBS All Access... it would be killer for them to have this included.

I really only found one of Elmo’s more recent works watchable. Over. And over.

Well, given that justification, I suppose she supports the sexual abuse of clergy also.
*climbs into commenting bunker and locks door from inside*

My college and most of our conference never bother listing a number there. Other than maybe the one whose SID used to do PR for a now-failed local very-minor-league team that would count the hundred of free tickets they gave to schools as ‘tonight’s attendace’. There’d be maybe 400 people in the stands on a school

To be fair, it likely was never live. So much of what you think is live anymore is look-lives that they put in the can either just before they go on the air, or during the pre-game commercial breaks in some cases. I’ve seen Fox do some interesting re-arranging of the pre-race ceremonies, down to having the anchors

Agreed. Thought it was bullshit when the guy from Levi’s or whatever pantsmaker said they never washed theirs. But I live in the desert, and trust me, I’m self-conscious about odor and cleanliness. I’m easily able to go a couple weeks, barring excessive amounts of dirt, anything oily, or food spills. And they seem to

The guy driving a Fisker Karma around my city might disagree.

Kinda funny that they call it a Sleep Tracker. Bold to assume you have clothes on to clip it to. ha ha

Kinda funny that they call it a Sleep Tracker. Bold to assume you have clothes on to clip it to. ha ha

Damn atheists trying to keep prayer out of public school sports anyway they can.

Of course not. Since he’s a loudmouth Christian who can exploit that for financial gain, that miserable asshole married way out of his league.

“...the shock return of John Cena...”

As a director, I have to sympathize with the poor crews that sit in a control room ‘in New York’ or wherever, trying to stay awake, just so they can be ready to throw talent on the air in 15 seconds even when they don’t know what the fuck is going on. It was bad enough working at a CBS affiliate during the ‘old days’

+1 for the joke, -10 to Deadspin for typoing the call letters. It’s WUHF.

Ha! Which dean? I know ‘em all well... ha ha

Yuma. Far southwestern corner of the state.

Yeah, even homecoming at a community college isn’t apt to draw a large crowd. ha ha. Thought he was heading for the snack bar for a moment there. Or the bathroom.

Now playing

Here’s how our community college’s broadcast went when the same thing happened last week... ha ha