
By law if he’s a minor, both from a legal standpoint and the fact that releasing anything school-related would be a FERPA violation.

Boo... promo code on the speedlight isn’t working... although it’s only $3 off... :(

Boo... promo code on the speedlight isn’t working... although it’s only $3 off... :(

That’s a smoking deal on the TiVo. I’ve got the base Roamio (pre-OTA model) and that’s what I do... hook it to an antenna for a few shows and use probably more for streaming. We have a few series that we’re watching and it’s great to be able to use the OnePasses to keep track of where we are on any of them, and even

That’s a smoking deal on the TiVo. I’ve got the base Roamio (pre-OTA model) and that’s what I do... hook it to an

Sounds about right that someone would want to punch Buddy.

Fuck no. Winter is best. Highs in the upper 70s or 80s at worst, and we actually see things like ‘clouds’ and ‘rain’. Spring and Fall tie for second, and Summer comes in at fifth place, behind rosemary.
— Arizona

To be fair, it's a junior college (NJCAA) game, and there's only about 8-10 of them.

He's from the upper Midwest, I think IL originally.

Now playing

Still gotta drag this out as the all-time worst punt. From the college I work at...

Might as well throw in some Game of War while you’re at it. Wouldn’t want anyone to forget it exists.

I wish there was more innovation in clever dash mounts for phones that don’t include air vents. People don’t realize how crucial it is to have every bit of that orifice unobstructed in AZ.

I wish there was more innovation in clever dash mounts for phones that don’t include air vents. People don’t realize

I’m convinced the only thing that keeps people coming to the DBacks games is the A/C.

Can we just start electing some atheists to avoid all this shit, please?

SanDisk is pretty much the only brand of SD cards and SSDs we’ve used at work (TV production, SD cards for our HD field cameras and the SSDs for recording our live productions in uncompressed) and we’ve had ONE SD card go bad in 5+ years and no SSD issues in the 2 years we’ve been using them. A few SD cards even

SanDisk is pretty much the only brand of SD cards and SSDs we’ve used at work (TV production, SD cards for our HD

Meanwhile, it’s hit freezing here three times in fifteen years, and hasn’t snowed since the last time a wooly mammoth took a shit in my yard. I’m good with the LEDs.

Pictures seem to be the least of the worry. My GF is on a quest for an inexpensive new or barely used car... and thus far it’s been hella frustrating wading through the deals-that-are-actually-too-good-to-be-true and finding that the search results through multiple sites are contaminated with loads of cars from

Crap, thought this was the Mark Sanford biography.

Crap, thought this was the Mark Sanford biography.

The Adobe van will be pulling up at your door any minute to trample your flower bed.

No, NBCSN is fucking terrible with replays. Even minor shit takes them 2+ minutes to rerack for some reason. I wouldn’t bother giving them credit for showing restraint.

Tantaros isn't a self-loathing bitch, but...

Just nonchalantly drive it all to Arizona. It's all legal here, unless there's nunchucks.