
There's a couple of scrotumless Kudu that would like those gloves back.

Sheriff: So, a non-descript black guy is behind this, huh?

The cool thing is that if you back away from the chart of all QB touchdowns and squint your eyes, you see the Tampa Bay Buccaneer in nude repose.

Resumes! Blind resumes here! Get em while they're hot!

Harsh burn. Like a 3rd degree. From Wharton. Brah.

Hopefully this doesn't have a negative effect on the Milwaukee club scene.

Under Armour makes them? Good, I'm sick of sewing paper mache boobs on my breakaway pants.

Going with what he knew, the bro attempted to diffuse the situation by feeling the old man up on top of a pile of Oasis CDs.

I lace my skates, you can't replace these skates

When asked if the Redskins would consider a name change, Wyllie began laughing hysterically. Uncontrollably, actually. Not know what the hell was happening, Wyllie showed himself out of the program director's office while scream-laughing, sobbing, and soiling himself at the same time.

Honestly, I'm getting sick of Frank. The guy can't coach for beans.

It's good that German officials were able to quickly step in and corral what they believed to be the offending generic shepherd.

That's a classic ed hoc solution right there.

"Actually, I think I've got all I need here."

For those familiar with App State, it's not surprising they went with a pot smoking mascot.

He was reportedly not shot or stabbed, but the cause of death has not been released.

"Welp, another day another dollar...let's see who I'm working with toda-AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!"

Unfortunately, the jersey just came out looking like a patched KKK hood.

He'll probably have to mash his own wiener from now on.
