
I know, right? Makes perfect sense that they'd put one of the cutest pieces online-only. (Eye roll)

It's the fabric. I tried it on in the store and the fabric was just way too thin with no stretch. If they had added a bit more stretch to it, you wouldn't have those wrinkle issues.

The wrinkles are driving me crazy too. I know it's Target, so they probably aren't back there steaming each piece before it hits the sales floor, but come on.

I am ok w/the chevron style striping, but let's have it the whole way down the dress, not mixing up the stripes...

I unfollowed Gabbi Gregg and Nicolette Mason on Intagram over their shilling of this shit line. The stuff is BAD.

his mistress gave birth, so he rejuvenated his post baby glow with his baby placenta



it treats trauma as one part of someone's life but not the defining factor

I couldn't stop watching it. My mom was in a cult and I grew up around extreme Christian homeschoolers and wannabe Mennonites. That twee, super sunny, cheerful but incredibly tough survivor of spiritual abuse...I know that girl!

I appreciate that your RX'ed punishment fits the crime. Were I doling out oil, I'd go with jojoba for oil cleansing. Coconut is highly comedogenic and even at my advancing age, I break out like a mofo.

She's trying to tell us that she was the brain behind HorseEbooks all along.

*finishes Tabloid roundup, closes laptop*

Sorry, this is not nearly as hilarious and amazing as the John Travolta dog.

This series by the Times and Hardy — which should win a Pulitzer — is going to lead, I believe, to a very very quick change in that law. It has to. This. Shit. Is. Fucked.

The only people that are "shocked" that this is happening in 2015 are white people. The rest of us are like "eh, it's just another [insert day of the week]."

As a white person. Not really shocked.

Not exactly, but I have one that came close.

I do know a lot of girls that have fucked Michael buble and that is the saddest thing I've ever written

Because nothing screams dignity like someone taking a picture of you without permission in order to portray your life situation as a dire absurdity in contrast with the product they're trying to advertise.