
Every time I hear that “sexual promiscuity” phrase in regards to this case, I feel like it’s blaming the victim once again. No way does Brock or his father believe Brock was promiscuous. They believe the victim was. It infuriates me.

Yeah, that comment brought back a lot of awful memories here. I’m still shaking.

Oh I like this, it really jazzes up the plain and simple black sheath.

This might be the best I have seen her look in some time. Beautiful!

Red toenails are the best accessory to this dress.

Lip color, make up, gorgeous!!

Not flattering!

What is going on here?

Is it just me, or does this fit weirdly drapey on her? I don’t like the waist at all, and I’m not sold on the skirt.

I’m loving this neckline. Very pretty. Rest of the dress is meh.

Dude has a grease stain on his pants leg. I can’t even


That’s okay, you are fabulous when you are angry!

The FIRST DAMNED POST on a local news-site in my home town - “Watch the liberals start blaming the guns.”

Nope. How many times can she pull out the “drill baby drill” phrase and get away with it? I’m to the point of yawning through her word salad.

Bad lipstick color.

I want a stuffed plushy lying cat!

~throws hands in the air~You WIN!

I kinda want this for myself.

And those Saturday Heroes would be guarding movie theaters now.