
The fact that some people think this loser is sent directly by God to save America blows my mind and makes me feel like maybe Clinton was right when she made her ill-fated “deplorable” comment.

I would bet the majority of Trump voters thought he was scum or at least knew he was a “successful” guy because he lied,

*sips turnip wine* No one listen to Ivars when he say Melania might be least rotten potato. See, when you grow up with only potato for friend or food, like Melania, you know when is time to play game and when is time to eat. Jared and Ivanka, they have many potato, so they play with food. Is fuck cluster.

Why would you talk to those men? Why would you stay there with those men there? Did you like the attention? Do you enjoy that kind of attention from men? Did you want that to happen to you?

She’s braver than any politician cowering before the NRA.

THIS is the type of leader we deserve right now.

What an amazing young woman! I’m so glad my twelve year old niece was there to hear her speak in person. My sister is a fantastic mom. I’d like to believe my niece will have that kind of courage and conviction when she gets older. I just pray it doesn’t have to ever come under the same circumstances again.

Courage !!!

After suffering an Ivanka-related rage stroke during this morning’s commute, I really needed this. Best new Jez feature, plz never stop. Is it time yet for requests? I’d love a Lynch film, or maybe Le Ballon Rouge?

“Wypipo are fragile.” I love this. You are my internet spirit being for the day.

I’m responding to you because I don’t want to talk to whyareyousoracist. As a response to his ridiculous line of thought, though:

My mother, white, grew up all-over the South(born in Louisiana, raised in Arkansas, Texas...). She tought me, her mixed son a lesson I am never to confuse nor forget. She taught me that the Confederate flag means to those who waive it high and proud: once “we” had the right to; rape, kill, whip, own, and work you

Great article. There are modern extrathoracic negative pressure ventilators that are comparatively small and unobtrusive. They’re phenomenally expensive to use and service, but luckily we don’t live in some kind of crazy dystopia in which only the fortunate and wealthy have access to modern medical technology and

Years ago (like about 20) I worked with a woman whose young son would stop by the office a lot. He was a sophomore or junior in high school. Anyway, he told me a really creepy story about Kevin Spacey coming on to him hardcore at some DC Clinton dinner-type event. The kid’s parents were connected somehow and rated an

Appros of nothing, the close friendship of Michael and Georgiou reminded me that the original Star Trek basically created slash ficition and there’d probably be metric ton about the two of them before dawn.

Shania Law: “Trump Don’t Impress Me Much”

gonna post this a million times...

Woof. Christopher Reeves is attempting to spin in his grave.

The horse handled it with equinimity, one would say.

I have some words of advice to give to the horse. In times like this, look to the words of the wise prophet Soulja Boy and “Superman that hoe”.