
This was my exact thought. If you think what you are doing is going to cause DHS to file charges, maybe you should realize what you are doing is supremely fucked up.

They didn't consider the effect this would have on already abused and traumatized children because they didn't think of them as children, but vanity tokens.

The Parks and Rec scene in question required Rand Paul to be tossed in a swimming pool, and we all know that you can't get your hair wet right after you get a perm.

I went to a Baptist university.

Looks like Karl Lagerfeld. And that is not a good look.

Girl has very likely got all she could conceivably get out of the deal she struck with Brown and has been now given a chance to make a clean break. She was a nobody and now her name is known all over the world. There is nothing more to be had out of this thing.


With all poor Britney's been through, she looks 1000 times better today than Lindsay Lohan does, or ever will again.

Christ on a you write all the time...and if not, why aren't you writing like ALL the time?!?!?!

I have a theory about people who become wildly successful/famous on the level that Steve has achieved: their relationship with their past, pre-fame and success, is an either or proposition. Either they embrace it. Or they shed it like a snake sheds its skin, leaving it in the middle of the road, to dry up and blow

My abortion was that easy breezy, and I live in a western, Republican - governed state. My partner and I decided that night, booked the next morning, and while we were young and not financially well off, we put half on his credit card and half on mine. When it was over it was over. That was over three years ago and we

Oh, fuck this. I'm guessing he was being bullied at his school and the adults couldn't be bothered to do anything to rein in the little shits, just like it was when I was a kid. The excuses were always, "oh, they need to work it out themselves," or "oh, honey, just ignore them, they're jealous," or other bullshit

Yup, that's what bodies do after you've had two babies and lived for 40+ years. The fucked-up part is that airbrushing is so routine that we don' t know what mature women are supposed to look like.

A stampede of lemmings, being herded over a cliff by a bunch of Disney nature film producers. Sexy!

A friend of mine worked on this film and he said that Reese Witherspoon is super sweet and Sofia Vergara is actually her character from Modern Family.

I hope Mark *does* get put on Fifty Shades detail, because he will inevitably take Alan with him to see it, which means we'll be treated to Alan bon mots sprinkled throughout Mark's review. The Mark / Alan interplay never fails to be both endearing and entertaining, even if I'm not sure how poor Alan copes with Mark's

BTW I'm writing a screenplay called "90 Hues of Mauve". It's about a color blind Art Director who hires an intern to help them discern between different colors. That's pretty much the whole movie, mostly just looking at and labeling color swatches. I predict it will be much better than 50SoG.

The craziest thing I have ever seen was when I was bartending at a strip club. Guy comes in and he's weird. Tries to hit on every person lacking a y chromosome including myself. Anyway, he starts harassing one of the dancers. She is a quiet, sweet woman that just so happens to be wearing thigh high boots that night.

Yeah, my first thought was "THIS WAS MY CHILDHOOD TOO YOU BASTARDS!"

All The yes!