
Even from the audience's perspective! I kept finding myself making excuses for liking him, but the only excuse I had was that he was hot and charismatic (which doesn't make up for the whole murder thing, unfortunately).

She actually looks like this was always a dream of hers, not the contest or even maybe winning Miss Universe, but getting to wear an elaborate feathered costume. I think she might be fulfilling a childhood dream right there. Love it!

This woman is the type of mother that makes me hate mothers.

i feel like i need to rep miss India's costume

This is fascinating, great interview. The fact that in the Jim Crow South the graves weren't segregated suggests to me just how furtive the WHOLE deal was. If even post-mortem integration had been known about, people would have been up in arms. This really demonstrates the limits of what bones can and can not tell us.

Oh, sure, SHE does it and everyone's like "daaaaaaaaang girl" and I do the same damn thing and everyone's all like "get off of my balcony" and "seriously I'm calling the police" and "using chicken cutlets in that manner is a crime against humanity and God," typical double standard

Their cover is just as the prophecy foretold! REPENT! REPENT!

I have no qualms about jumpsuits, but that jumpsuit has issues. It's looks like a wearable pelvic exam.

I can't get on board with fashion that makes it difficult to pee.

A sequel book (possibly one snipped from the list) is the English translation of Cixin Liu's "The Dark Forest", his followup to "The Three-Body Problem". Comes out July 7!

This is a little off-topic, but... I had a friend who showed up to my father's funeral wearing jeans and work boots. Because that's what he wears for his job. He took his lunch break two hours early so he could come and pay his respects and I thought it was lovely. He made an effort to be there for my family and we

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

Re: Selena Gomez & Co.

Mark, what Selena did is inexcusable. It is a place of worship and you respect that. I have lived in Dubai for 5 years by choice and I respect the customs and social expectations here because I am a guest of the UAE. If I don't like it then I leave. It is no different than going into St. Peter's and doing the same

Team Cat Headquarters here;

I miss my old man. This was Boo. He was a farm cat from my grandparent's farm in South Dakota. Moved from South Dakota, to Wisconsin, to Illinois, to Texas, back to Illinois and to Alaska twice. He lived to the good age of 19 and a half before his thyroid medication no longer worked for him and I had to let him sleep


This is the part where I refuse to read any additional spoilers and then go to the movie with my fingers crossed the Engineers show up to cross it over with Prometheus.

There's always the next feature, "Pixar: How Their Dicks Are."