
The devil must have a real thing for copiers, huh? I always thought he was more of a coffeemaker kinda devil.

Bahahaha! I love this!

Kim has only one expression these days, and it’s the “I can’t smile or my face will crack” look.

Here we call that Sexflix.


Wow, she looks so much like her mother!

Cannot unsee...

That was a tough choice for me. I wanted to mark them both, because sex in restaurants could be fun, but in the end food won out. My stomach once again wins over my hormones.

Now THIS is cute and very wearable!

This collection looks like it was made by slender designers pretending to know what we larger women want. That pleat - ugh.

I don't know if it's because of the way it was displayed in the store, or if it is the fabric, but there is way too much wrinkling in this. It's cute, but I foresee issues with it wrinkling easily. I suppose I could live with it, but I'd be constantly trying to press the wrinkles out with my palms.

Visine, Brody, Visine. You can find it in the eyecare aisle at Walgreens.

It looks even worse from a distance and makes her look like she's perpetually crying. Whatever stylist came up with THIS one should be dunked in a bucket of makeup remover (or coconut oil, because danged if that doesn't work just as well).

Not exactly, but I have one that came close.

He also had a vomit-worthy interview in In Style a month or so ago. Came across as a total jerk.

This is child trafficking, pure and simple. Just because the sleazeball wants to play the martyr doesn't change the fact that he gave away children to a pervert.

Please let us know if Stupidly Hot Man-Child dyes his hair platinum.

He had to cancel because filming conflicted with his perm appointment.

You can live your dream! It will cost you about $60K US for it though, and you'll have to find a good plastic surgeon.

That was better than anything I expected when I hit play.