Government on Strike

I learned from my executive MBA mentor at Stern to capture the VP’s eldest son to better guarantee my own job security

Look, I had to send a spy to work for my rival regional sales manager’s team and then poison him. A 2,000 year old Chinese book told me I should!

Whenever somebody says that the Art of War helped them in business/management/whatever I want to ask them what they thought of the part about fighting chariot-to-chariot

So he’s just an asshole, not a racist. I’m cool with that, sure makes it harder for all the overly concerned hand-wringers to bemoan him being in the Hall of Fame

Yeah, I’m a Syracuse alum and I look at UCONN and thank my lucky stars we caught the last lifeboat out of the Big East. Well, really Louisville did, but they only got to because the idiots that run the Big 12 somehow thought West Virginia was a sustainable power, and that like airlines might start running cheap direct

But he has weak character because he said his coach gave him money when the coach wasn’t supposed to be doing that. He’s a pot fiend and a snitch!

Goya Adobo, I’m cosmopolitan like that

Does most food taste bland to you, like even when you put a lot of salt or other seasonings on it?

Racist Gawker Media at it again. They prefer to be called Latino fleas with dwarfism, playing this noted hate anthem is just exposing you for the bigots you all are

Buddy, Gamergate was, continues to be, and always will be a movement focused on harassing women, LGBTQ, and minority figures created by the alt-right generally to serve god knows whatever Stormfront agenda they have and by one fucked up dude in particular as a bizarre vendetta against his ex-girlfriend. To pretend

I can’t believe a corporate entity allowed this to not only air, but to lead off their big, self-congratulatory show piece and wash away the fantasy that sports exist in a compartment separate from the rest of society.

This is a joke, right? You’re joking. I get it. Ok

Sorry there pally boy, I can’t hear you over the sound of all these stars I keep getting. That’s right, everybody knows the best self-righteousness is whatever’s most popular

You feeling alright?

Thanks, pal. Just trying to spread those good vibes all over this great land of ours

For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.

If you were dropped into the wilderness Survivorman/Bear Grylls style, how long do you actually think you could survive?

Why are chip clips still a thing? Hasn’t everybody caught on that they can just put a rubber band around the bag and it works better? Does this question count as an application to write for Lifehacker?

I went to Syracuse and am an unabashed Orange fan. I know that the general opinion of Syracuse and its fans is negative. Is there an appropriate way to be a fan of a despised team, especially one that actually doesn’t really win all that much? I mean I don’t even get the championships of Duke or Kentucky to feel good

But this is the hot-takiest way of viewing this backed up with a quote by a guy who may or may not represent the majority of fans, but is very definitely an ass hat.