Government on Strike

You know what, you’re right, and for the last time it’s nil, not zero. And the Mexicans should stop calling headers cabezazos, and the Japanese should really stop calling baseball yakyuu, and Tim spelled colour wrong. I think all of this is the least we can agree on as good calcio supporters

+1 low-and-to-the-left hanging fruit

Alt joke: Cuban insists on negotiating solely over Cyber Dust and most agents advise against making deals that literally vanish after you look at them

Cuban puts clauses in all of the free agent contracts requiring that players spend at least 1 month of the off season working in the Shark Tank*.

Nope, just watched it again and it’s definitely still going up. You can tell by the shadow

I remember when I was in middle school and didn’t get the particular schedule I wanted with my other friends (our school had different tracks grouped by overall GPA that your schedule was based on). When I pleaded for my parents to try to lobby the school that the 89 I got in English should just be rounded up to a 90

Yeah, nothing like following up a full day of games that see about 1 goal per 120 minutes with another that features nothing but absolute pastings. That’s a tournament full of riveting action right there

It takes a long, hard, painful time to get there, and even then it still hurts every day.

I think that Oladipo is a fine option off the bench, but I wouldn’t want to play him more than 20 minutes a night. He’s probably better than Waiters, and definitely is in the long run, but not enough in my opinion to justify this trade. I also like Sabonis, but think he’s a good couple years from being effective in

Very good point, I forgot about that and I’m sure a couple other backdoor tax hikes that are done without actually raising rates.

I may be wrong since I have little to no experience in municipal financing outside of being an internet commenter, but they usually don’t directly tax residents. Instead they put new taxes on other things (hotels, dining, soda, plastic bags, etc.), which are invariably sold to the public as being taxes on tourists and

We all know that the economists say that all a stadium does is reallocate entertainment spending, but I can’t imagine how this would be applicable to a button-up, backwater like Las Vegas. Putting an NFL team in a remote desert with little of interest to it can only drive tourism and encourage the local citizenry to

No, they’re trying to show Kevin Durant that they’re serious about putting the pieces around him to win, I know because WIlbon told me so.

Now playing

Perfect Strangers still has the best theme song of any show from that era. Full House can eat a bag of rice-a-roni flavored dicks

Finally somebody is willing to stand up and expose the sleeper cell of Ichiro and Tsuyoshi Shinjo, shepherded by their handler Hideo Nomo, to bring dishonor on the Bush family in retaliation for Papa Bush throwing up on the Prime Minister

It’s been about 35x more entertaining than this boring-ass Euro Cup I’ve been watching this week.

Man, it’s been this whole 2 month long playoffs. Remember when the Raptors were playing? God, these playoffs have sucked

I don’t know, Ubisoft doesn’t seem to have any problems because of this (well, except for their extra long sojourn in Italy)

I like when 3-year-olds learn how to type, otherwise how would you not remember Silvio Berlusconi?

The new Baylor fan conspiracy is that the Baylor Board of Regents is throwing all of these beloved figures under the bus to save their skins. I know it’s probably a minority of Baylor fans/alums that hold the view, but it’s shocking how many reasonable supporters are sticking to Uncle Ken and Daddy Art being good,