Googly Eyed Plush Toy

Only one business in my community closed down for the event and it is the best Mexican restaurant in town. Someone posted on their Facebook page “I guess I’ll just go to Taco Bell instead.” and the restaurant just responded with a puking emoji. It was beautiful.

I just checked on my brother, who lives in Stockholm. He says he was lucky to have escaped.

Don’t forget to funnel that rage into campaigns, too. 2018 will be here before we know it.

Check out the stupidity of this.

I think putting up such a strong opposition is definitely doing something. They may not be able to stop the confirmations, but they’re giving him hell. He has the fewest confirmed cabinet members by this point than any other modern POTUS.

“always pushing me to do the right thing”

Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.

Wait. Why the fuck should a reporter have to ask her WHAT SHE MEANT? Is she not in charge of her own fucking words? Does she not have control over how she forms sentences? I am so goddamn tired of these people I have no fucking clue how I’m gonna make it 4 years without losing my goddamn mind over the hypocrisy.

This is so dangerous. Once someone from the administration says something, it becomes fact to a certain group of people. It doesn’t matter if they make an attempt to retract it (p.s. despite some articles I’ve been reading, I don’t see the above as a retraction, it’s almost more of a doubling down.)

She went with him because he needs a carer, in case he’s out the house when his amphetamine-induced dementia sun-downing begins.

I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.

I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.

He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC

It’s almost like the ‘conservative Christians’ in this country care far more about paying lip service to the values they espouse then actually having a President who lives up to them. Kind of like how they also go on and on about the ‘sanctity of life’ right up until that fetus pops out...

That God didn’t smite him with a righteous lightening bolt, right there on that stage, is proof enough that he doesn’t exist. Well, that, and Evangelicals supporting him after he’s made a mockery of literally everything they claim to hold dear.

and we could make the distinction between those two things very clear if people would stop calling it “fake news” and start calling it “propaganda” because we literally already have a word for it and coming up with precious innocuous new names for shit is literally a fascist tactic.

One of the most underreported aspects of this “temporary ban” is how transparently bullshit the purported justification for it is. Put aside all the arguments about which countries were included on the list and how they aren’t the ones producing terrorists that are killing Americans, and put aside the argument about

“Almost everything went wrong.”

Everyone has an obligation to disobey unlawful orders and we shouldnt forget it. Im glad Sally Yates did the right thing; I have a feeling that is going to be a rare occurrence over the next four years.

He’s the man, the man with the stubby hands
those grubby hands...