I will sing it: “ButtahFINGAHS!” when it all comes crashing down on him.
I will sing it: “ButtahFINGAHS!” when it all comes crashing down on him.
This is so heartbreaking. I hate being complicit in this. I didn’t vote for Trump, I actively campaigned for HRC, but I am still complicit. We all are. And we should all feel shame today.
It was about as good as 13 episodes of TV are going to get. I pride myself on spotting a twist or a turn early and this one played me right up the last moment. And Ted Danson’s Cheshire Cat grin at the reveal? Perfect.
It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.
I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.
Jenna: “Once Trump got elected, I was like, I’m going to be here—and comments I got from other people in my life that voted for him, like ‘I don’t understand why you’re even going, it’s not like you can change the presidency.’ And I was like, okay, thank you, because now I know for sure that I’m going.”
Oh my gosh this is wonderful!! And he looks so happy, hahaha.
Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):
Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.
So proud of D.C. Right now. I’ve seen some pics and there is nooooooobody out. The only people around are bumbfucks with racists t-shirts. (Shocker, I know).
I’m sure he’ll say, “we had the biggest crowds ever!!” But deep down it kills him that the crowds are small, just like it kills him that he is perceived as an illegitimate president.
I can see you
I don’t see him as a legitimate President either. Thank you Rep. Lewis for your continued bravery.
Uh, boys, if I may quote the great Betty White: Balls are weak and sensitive; vaginas can take a pounding.
It scares me nonnative people can come to my reservation, and other reservation, assault me, and my family, and they may not get persecuted for it. The FBI can decide to not go after the person and my court can do nothing about it.
FUCK Susan Collins and FUCK the Maine Democratic Party for refusing to run anyone against her.
Introduced to the House by the infuriating Susan Collins, my Senator and the owner of a brilliant PR machine that markets her as “moderate” while she goes ahead and votes in lockstep with her party almost every time. Sure, she didn’t support Trump and got grief for it from our Tea Party governor, but she’s got enough…
Earlier this year, I went to a dinner party at a friend’s house. The household and guests slowly assembled in the…