
Seriously. I’ve never gotten that. Think of how many hats you could afford with a Ferrari budget if you just bought the Subaru! /s

If I get COTD, I hope my picture is nothing but a bunch of puppies.

Manufacturers have primarily moved to aggressive-looking fascias to better help buyers display their dissatisfaction with how their life actually turned out.

The $200,000 prize—the largest prize ever awarded in eSports

Racing cars do make sense. Racing isn’t cheap, nor was it back in the days when Monopoly was created. You raced cars because you had the money for it. The Kurtis Kraft currently as the piece was raced at Indianapolis — not cheap.

This is true.

Too expensive. There are cheaper ways to get a lifted Corolla.

I know this. The guy thinking it could be sold (likely for cheap) doesn’t.

B-b-b-but terrorists! /s

I just want to say that even though a glovebox handle broke off in my hand in a sharp fracture of plastic

The V6s don’t drive like monsters, only the V8s, which is now far less of a monster since it comes with compulsory AWD standard.

Now playing

It sounds “worse” because in that press video, didn’t sound like they brought it up more than half the rev range. Like most buyers would likely drive it.

Something rarer is more expensive is the name of the game, if there’s demand for it.

I don’t think I could intelligibly speak what you just wrote, because the gun I’d have in my mouth would make it difficult to do so.

That’s what an umbrella policy is for. I’m sure he has one. They’re cheap.

$1,700 for two years of insurance (must be one hell of a multi-car discount)

If this was a new promo image, there’d be a coffee shop in the background that a lone parent is taking their child (in a soccer uniform, carrying a violin case) to for a treat.

Patrick, if you want more views perhaps we should find out if the Rogue Sport blends. Or perhaps you can give us a Top 10 Best Rogue Sport Features list.

Will it actually, be, you know... good?

Don’t worry. Lots of Jalops will buy them once they’re 7 or 8 years old.