I guess there isn’t always room for Jello(-Picnic).
I guess there isn’t always room for Jello(-Picnic).
It’s down. Possibly because of traffic from Jalopnik?
Water is still recommended if there are no other options available at the time to contain the fire, and to prevent further thermal runaway.
Wait, it was better than a Porsche 944? That’s unpossible!
Slammed, stanced, TWO different rear spoilers at different mounting points, hood with a glass window, dual 4" droning cans, blacked out heads and tails, and what looked like a paintbrush paint job (in white, where everything else was black in varying matte, satin or polished finishes)
You ever meet someone who has a Mansory Panamera? They aren’t nice. They’re as awful as their... thing... looks.
I’d rather not even think about what happened to the handful of completely stock ones that do get sold...
Was passed by a hideous looking FD RX-7 yesterday, but the guy gave me a very excited thumbs up as he passed me, so I could only return one myself since he just seemed so enthusiastic and nice in general.
Lowell is where the cars ended up before being sent to other places to have them shipped out. For example, a lot of cars that Whitey’s gang stole would end up in the LA Area to get shipped overseas or sent down to Mexico.
Oh yeah, well I’ve got $100 that this car will never exist.
Such as people dressed as cows (see lede GIF).
Will it sound like this? Old Merc straight-sixes sounded awesome.
Yeah, but this is Jalopnik, not Rollingstocknik.
You (and I) may not care about 7-seat SUVs, or even Volkswagen, but the segment represents one in 10 new vehicles sold in the US.
No, that was both Charlestown and Somerville, MA (from Charlestown’s east end to Somerville’s Winter Hill)— the HQ of Whitey Bulger’s Winter Hill Gang. Overall MA registered car theft rate was 1:35 vehicles. Charlestown was also the armored car robbery capital of the US.
Where the heck should be filmed a TV show if not in a TV studio?
Not surprised. Isn’t the whole point of an Audi is to buy as much understeer as possible? /s
They are not driving Mom’s old Hyundai...
Yep. Falls under General Liability. They have insurance for it.
So outside of Porsche sports cars (since the Miata is no longer happy) what other new cars in the market still have a happy fascia?