
So how do I transfer my save from Crusader Kings II all the way to Stellaris?

43,000 lbs OF CARGO (water, in this case). Add in the weight of the cab and trailer and you can easily be pushing 30 tons.

Because it’s right there in his name. Quadinaros, man. Quad.

It may have been a legitimate question, if they meant to be asking “Do you make your sandwiches with sliced bread or some kind of roll?”

I don’t know. That might be a little over the top.

21 + A Must

Now playing

Meltdown of a different type: 1999 British Open. Watched it with my mouth agape.

Slings are cheap. Get another one and wear it while the other one is being washed.

“The game with all the white people”

So bummed I missed Racing Corrupt International Sporting Federation Leaders Day at Nationals Park.

This. This is my favorite sports gif.

Wait you bought a city building and management simulator, and are asking for a refund because it has city management and building in it?

Even Rex Ryan is upset about this photo

Pay the man, Shirley.

Game: KOTOR (It's always the BioWare games that get me)

Of course scoring on Jets is easy for Denver players. Every single one of them is already a member of the Mile High Club.

I don't think you're reading this quite right Tom, and your interpretation is very different from Shelburne and Rovell's in the linked article.

Most totally confusing and taste-bud challenging REAL potato chip flavor (from Herr's):