
I've heard more than enough from Belle. Someone should tell that guy to put a cork in it.

They weren't paying ME directly, but they were paying my firm (this was back when SOX404 was 'new'), and yes those checks presumably cleared. I did get to see first-hand how much of a bath they took on the XFL though, as it was still being written off at that time. That one was a big "oops".

The thing about watching the WWE is this: It has had consistently good ratings for cable since the 90's, especially RAW. If they didn't know what they are doing, the show would flop and get cancelled by the networks.
So, his writing just sounds like some sour grapes to me.

Now that he's on the 40-man, doesn't he no longer get tested for marijuana use anyways?

Soon as he hits that 40 man roster, his troubles are over!

This seedbank is not complete without cannabis. I don't want to live in a post apocalypse world devoid of cannabis.

I bet you eat at Applebee's too you sick fuck.

Am I the only one that likes this design? It's 2014, more teams should sport jerseys that look more like the cardinals than the browns or steelers

Electric raisins? How stoned are you right now?

3 for 3, really. Undertaker murdered his parents. And I think Muhammad Hassan, although that's never been officially proven.

when scott hall says you are 'sick' that's real bad

This is just awful and wrong.

Your honor, that money in the crack house was mine. It was not in that crack house because I was buying drugs with it. Can I have it back?

Or maybe even an Astros fan!!1!1!

If Manhattan is Disneyland, Brooklyn is Epcot Center.

Oh Shit, you mean other people have different opinions than your own?

but what will Texas drive?

Scene from their next bout.