
He was actually a pro wrestler before joining up with the UFC.

This was fucking perfect. Great job. +1

Badfather Pizza

Chuck The Cheese

Now playing

There's no way the soundtrack will ever match the original:

Will it feature Kobe being accused of violating Uranus?

"I'm taking my talents to South Venus". -LeBron

This is a dumb jeep owner. He has big tires and all the gear, but not locking diffs. You can see him kicking up snow on one side and the tires not spinning on another. Jeez.

Wow. Sploid has become my daily stop by for all manner of amazing.


Dwight Howard is so vain. The fans weren't referring to him, they were referring to Moe Howard, and his spurning of Hollywood to work in New York City. But they still got it wrong, as it was Shemp who fucking sucked.

Naturally, a pathetic couch figures prominently on the cover.

Cossacks fighting Goths. Party like it's 1399!

Pussy, whipped

So is this the point where HHH and Stephanie come out and tell Ortiz he can have his contract.... IF he beats Daniel Bryan at "Hell In A Cell", available on PPV?

I work as an OSHA trainer and let me tell you... the amount of certifications I send to Williston, ND is insane... and, I had never heard of it until the fracking boom at the shale deposits... but wow, and when i try to send them certifications... they can't even usually get it b/c of overcrowding, no address,

He's an Aggie. This is like pretty much what they consider wedding attire.

It happens! I know of someone who called in on behalf of their son for an interview for a sales position at a neighbouring dealership (they sell high end luxury & performance cars) - he got an interview, but only because the owner wanted to meet the kind of person that has their father set up an interview for them via

Tanner, Rutledge, and "Mark" sounds like it would be a vast improvement over the current line up.