
The C2 Corvette would like a word with you, Mr. PatBateman

Is it God, or is it these bastards trying to eliminate all proof that Americans could actually build a good sports car.

The C7 is so good, God wants to erase all proof of Corvettes created before it as they have been deemed unworthy in His eyes.

"I hope you're proud of yourself for watching that whole thing just to see a combined 1.5 seconds of nipple."

Fighting over a little strip, is that all they fucking do in the Middle East?!

According to family friends who saw her on Tuesday, Chamoun's conservative Sunni mother was extremely embarrassed, or mildly embarrassed, or very proud, or frowning, or sticking out her tongue.

And one time too many.

Jesus Christ, can we stop talking about this family already?

Yeah people, pick on someone your own size!

It needs to perform off-road, so not really.


If you post ugly minimalist sweaters next, I am never returning to this site.

I guess farmers could use this sort of shit as fertilizier.

The desalination plants should be built self sufficient. It wouldn't make sense to transport that much power anyway. Make it a nuclear desalination plant, and it can be a net producer of electricity, solve the water problem, and reduce emissions all at once.

You lucky, lucky bastard.

Not ashamed to say it: I just came a little bit.

Guys, guys... it's both!

Fucking Ronnie