
"Wow, first the Hall of Fame, now this."

Seems appropriate. Pretty much anyone can have the Browns coaching job, but just about everyone sucks at it and doesn't last more than a year.

My Skype only works well at home too. :(

I'm surprised Maxence Parrot has time to post snarky tweets when he's all wrapped up in a campaign to retrieve a stray dog.

Based on the accommodations in Sochi, I would have expected that the beds would have been the reason for White's boy cot.

"Fuckin' noobs. If you really wanna burn Shaun White, all you gotta do is rise."

He's 27 and in the prime of his career.

Note: Water is not available until the room above you is occupied.

You don't know who that is, but you know exactly what lame insult to use in order to try and rouse the populous? I call bullshit.

Let China build your crappy Mustang Gearbox.

Other songs that should be "formally retired" from commercials:

We NEED a reaction video to this photo by the WWE fan who hated on Batista.

I have a feeling he's not going to hold on to that belt for long.

Bob Backlund's looking good for his age.

Same here, buddy.

Patently untrue, the gateway drug theory is bullshit. As a smoker (medical and recreational) I can tell you that people are that gateway. If you have to go to shady places and interact with shady people to get bud, you're probably going to be exposed to other things just because of the black market. If you take those

I KNOW - they could never become something important, like, say, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES if they ever seek to 'get high.' Oh wait...

Rubbish. I know plenty of people who smoke who have never done harder stuff. They all hold good jobs and are no burden to anyone.

No upper deckers.