

The voters want it blown up. So lets blow it up.

Awesome. Even the Gizmodo writers can't use Kinja without commenting in triplicate.

So Richard Sherman's play basically sent his team to Vince McMahon's big game? His post-game interview was a little subdued in that context.

You should hear what the NFL owners say about you!

ever been to russia buddy? i spent over 10 years there, this shit aint gettin finished in 2 weeks. half literate, drunk, glue sniffing troglodytes from the caucuses are you labor force. everything runs on bribes. the assholes that got the bids are on vacation right now with no plant to turn another shovel. your

Yeah, and that wasn't even in Austin!

That joke would be funny if Texas wasn't home to one of the first openly gay mayors of a major US city.

I live in Texas, so this kind of hurts my feelings.

Sydney Leroux? TexASS indeed...

I tend to call you a fucking idiot.

Dallass , Texass. Home of the Cowboys

Eh, pagehits.

Maybe Adam Estes should stick to writing about iGadgets while sitting in a NYC Starbucks and leave the fancy infrastructure-talk to people who know at least half of what they are trying to talking about.

As a former contractor, this. ^^^

Kilometers of sidewalk can be poured in a day, same with sod rolled out. Those buildings are all precast and will go together like Lego. The sewers only have to last two weeks, really, they lay pipe and as long as it's at least 0.5% slope down then it's all good, they probably designed the pipe diameter larger than

That was the first thing I thought of too. Brilliant Simpson's bit.

Hooray for Everything