
Noticed in the crash footage that the #88 Porsche says “Pontiac Since 1931" on it’s rear quarter panels. Anyone know the story behind this on their livery?

A gym membership for the weight reduction and gas mileage... and lifespan.

The World Wide Web says you’re wrong.

Mmmm, yummy Holden goodness.

These are $72 every day from Harbor Freight with their 20% off coupons found on their homepage.

These are $72 every day from Harbor Freight with their 20% off coupons found on their homepage.

And for some reason, I don’t see Russian or Middle Eastern markets beating down the door for anything that shouts ‘Murica.

Today, I have been educated. Thank you kindly, good sir.

Talk about a perfect example of, “locks keep honest people out.”

This guy fucking gets it.

We’re not talking about Jukes here.

So Honda should take a few pages out of the current Ford design book?
Would that only include the Aston/Bently inspiried front-ends or all of the aggressive ST/RS looking bodywork too?

Maybe so, but we’ve had beige uninspiring Civic designs since forever.
It’s time for an aggressive looking Civic to be on the market.

I don’t understand how people are calling this ugly.

So, copy Volvo? Got it.

The other issue is that the list is all white dudes. Yes, car design is unfortunately still dominated by white dudes—though that’s changing—but I wish I had used this platform to highlight the good work of some women and/or people of color too. Jalopnik is better than most at that sort of thing, but I wasn’t hip

Can’t argue with your opinion, but as future Miata owner I can say that you’ll turn... they always turn. Embrace the Zoom-Zoom.

You forgot to add:

Zero interest in a Gawker article on politics.
I’m just here to say Hillary looks like Luke Skywalker with heels in the title image.

No, we simply need reasonable, commensense car control.

Have you seen the videos online? People can make connections at car shows and simply buy a car without a background check!

I mean, if you need a car for groceries, I get it.
But, if you’re not a grocery get’er, why do you need one, especially an assault, I mean