
Seemed like nearly everybody dropped by . . . except Hugh Laurie. But if he's not going to collect the photo that's been sitting on a shelf for so many years, I CALL DIBBS!

Yeah, I get it. But I see stunt pages like this, with the nagging sense I've seen it before, recognize that the same paper is devoting thousands of words to the same topic (just not front and center) and can't help thinking (for a few seconds, anyway, before I turn the page):

Brazil decided to steal a beat from France and go with the Maginot Line defense, I see.

"When is this goal scoring going to end?"

"...get married at the airport."

To borrow from Colbert: To NPH, a Tip of the Hat. For B&N? A Wag of the, um, Finger.

The Daily Mail's exhaustive analysis also notes that OK! magazine may have been a little less intrusive with the airbrush recently, but more than made up for it by turning Georgie right-round:

ETA: Ooopsie. Misdirected my reply. Sorry about that.

As several here point out, Colbert gets the best of the bit.But the question remains: Where's The Selfie?

I wouldn't say shitty, but boring. Too many shades of stained wood, backing a pale white boy in a gray suit.

and guessing the down the collar bit was not rehearsed.

Sadly for her, the seatmate was not in the full, upright position.

That's what she said.

140 characters can launch a @revolution

Six words can contain a world.

Get a few more commenters on board and this string will be ready for take-off.

Nahhh — not in the USA, not at the New York Times.

I'd like to think that even at the end, the NYT would know how to spell "judgment" — but then again, it's just the web.

Friends first, Santas second; or Bros Before Ho-Ho-Ho's.