
What’s your deal?

French people have been nothing less than helpful and charming to us on our travels. Sure you’ll have an asshole here and there (which is true everywhere), but compared to the US? Much nicer. Even when dealing with language issues.

There’s no way one would be worth it, given the price.

I’ve seen something similar, on the street in Italy IIRC.  The rear brakes appeared to be mechanical discs from a mountain bike.

I’m pretty sure I don’t need to see one in person to think they look bland. Most cars look similar in person...Bugatti Divo? Strange and overwrought. Ferrari SP1 Monza? Gorgeous. C7 or C8?  Like something a middle schooler might draw.

Meh, “kit car” describes how I’ve always thought of their appearance.

Mostly this...looking ahead and anticipating things (brake lights several cars ahead, cars waiting to turn from side streets, stuff like that), keeping extra distance and watching behind while slowing to make sure you’re not going to be rear-ended into pulp, not playing with your phone.

I wouldn’t put Koenigsegg on my list of best looking hypercars. They’re all barely one step above that white blob you posted.

Yeah, but it’s Ducati Diavel-ish, which is not a good thing IMO. 

“There’s a reason why I detest the Blue Lives Matter movement—I mean, besides the fact that it’s a racist and fragile response to Black Lives Matter. Cops don’t need anyone’s support; our justice system already works to protect them from the consequences of their actions.”

That’s because they ground them down.  No weld looks like that naturally.

Yup, sounds right.

A month or so ago, I spotted both a Tempo AND a Topaz in the same day, both in decent shape!  I nearly wrecked from shock.

That’s pretty early.

Those things would work better if I had three hands.  I find them a bit awkward.

Full NP for me. I have a soft spot for monochromatic ‘90s vehicles, and I’ve always dug those wheels (plus comes with lace wheels, too? be still my heart). Cool engine and trans combo, has some suspension work, too. Hells yeah.

A couple of quotes I found interesting:

My friends and I called my brown ‘79 Pinto Runabout “The Bean.”

You can order Kroil straight from Kano, along with their other products. I much prefer it over PB.

Every time one of these passes me, I produce an involuntary exclamation of “fuck, that’s awful!”