I think we found the problem for your 2nd one...someone tried to install a rear-end on a FWD car.
I think we found the problem for your 2nd one...someone tried to install a rear-end on a FWD car.
Coworker bought one for his daily, he has kids. It’s a family sedan, not a Corvette...go for it!
Seems far less toy-like, but that missing rear door is a bummer!
Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus.
It’s like something I would have made in high school for a cheesy project, using MS Clip Art and Paint.
The guy’s a nut obviously, but why engage? Just delete the spam and move on with life, don’t waste your time.
With my wife’s ex-boss (a federal judge) in his crummy Saturn Ion.
Hell no, they’re an asshole for getting that stupid song stuck in all of our heads!
Why won’t it end well? The cops DGAF. Some will be outed hopefully, but the others will retreat to mom’s basement, ready for attempted murder again the next day.
They died doing what they loved.
Oh, but wait, I wonder if Graham has heard the “news” that these shit-for-brains were actually antifa, dressed in disguise! Dystopian Drag Queens, Transvestite Terrorists! Walking back statements in three, two, one....
God, right? And this: “Enough is enough.” Okay, everything was just fine up until right then? You dumb turd.
Nah, he’s just trying to shit his pants.
Renix?! That sounds like an STD. Benault would have been a much better portmanteau.
Oooh, very nice! I’d started getting back into models a couple of years ago, then stalled out due to other hobbies. They take a ton of time if you’re doing anything other than slapping them together in the as-molded colors. I was working on a Black Widow Model T, and got finished up to body painting, which has always…
I don’t think you’re hearing what you’re saying, it’s just silly.
Yeah, I have a ‘98 Chevy truck with a camper shell whose CHMSL isn’t hooked up either, lol...it’s one of those things that I’ll get to “someday.”
Those are shadows.
Oh absolutely not, it was a more general question, not directed towards you or your comment.
Is “you do you” a much more polite way of saying “go fuck yourself?” I wondered that yesterday after hearing someone say it at work, and as I walked by, told them I try to do that daily.