Love the Knipex Pliers Wrench, along with their Cobra water pump pliers (so much better than a standard Channel Lock style groove joint) and the Raptor. They’re all fantastic.
Love the Knipex Pliers Wrench, along with their Cobra water pump pliers (so much better than a standard Channel Lock style groove joint) and the Raptor. They’re all fantastic.
I knew I recognized it from way back when! Nice memory.
I use a filthy keyboard and mouse with my laptop. While there are tradeoffs, I do prefer the searchability of a digital format.
Well, we knew you can’t be in your house while Black and be safe, so why would this be any different?
Needs moar video.
At some point, I realized I could view live data on my OBDI scanner (I used it to diagnose a CEL after reinstalling my rebuilt carb and leaving the MAP hose disconnected), including a tach readout. Never did get around to seeing what it was turning on the interstate, but it felt like 1k!
Wait a minute...51% loss for that brown shitbox yesterday?! I’m guessing none of the NP voters have ever actually sat in one of those, let alone ridden in one.
Things definitely got better with 4 spd autos. My ‘85 Caprice could get 24 on the interstate.
I haven’t seen him do that either. Trade that thing in for a Miata if you want a convertible, dude, it’s gonna be a lot cheaper in every way.
What a damn nice truck.
That drives me nuts! There’s a very nicely banked S-curve onramp I take every morning...suggested speed is 35, but 60's a walk in the part, doubling it to 70's easy and 90's not a stretch, even for my ‘06 Altima. My ‘98 Chevy truck is no problem either. It’s the one part of my boring-ass drive I look forward to.
Hell yeah. We had an ‘88 Reliant (oxymoronic name!!), it was crap. Think Neon, but made out of cardboard.
Yup....”it’s not about you.”
Check weather reports so you can run your errands before the snow hits.
My ‘85 Caprice (and my parents’ ‘77 Impala) did that every once in a while when it was cold out. Open the door first thing in the morning, try to close it, and be met with nothing but a “thump” as it bounced back open again. Oh boy, time to grab the bungee cords again!
So did my ‘98 C1500. I was changing them through the front wheel wells (it’s much easier) and #8 had never been touched.
Wouldn’t this be a bit like one automaker suing another over using PRNDL as their shift pattern, having a comfort/sport/race mode dial, or six radio preset buttons?