
God, no shit...tearing up now.

You don’t buy a Ram Power Wagon to tow, you buy it for either thinking it looks cool or for off-roading.  It’s the worst possible choice for towing in the Ram stable.

Jesus, that thing is ugly.  Who decided that painting wheels the same color as the inevitable rust was a good idea?  Way too much UPS going on.


Myself.  While they supported my obsession with toys, Legos, models, books, magazines, and so on, neither was into cars.  My dad did some minor maintenance himself which helped, but it was otherwise a home-grown thing. 

Same here, but in our assembly plant. A quick “STFU!!” before the person finishes is helpful.

How well do those stay on, along with the other shipping protection bits?  I can’t imagine they staying put for years to come, and all we need is more garbage along the roadside.

But that’s true, so...

No! I like those.

Next time, get my front, too.

Since the engine and transmission were carryover, I felt a little better.  We’re up to 93k miles or so now.

We bought a 2014 Mazda3 right when they came out (ended up being one of the first ones off the line).  Other than some front suspension clunks remedied by TSBs, it’s been great.  Impressive for a first year car.

Or goes up, as they split in half, and each becomes a “parts car.”

LOL, I almost put that in there.

Summary of current Jalopnik:

Only trouble prone if you ignore them, like anything else. I never touch mine after initial set up and readjustment after cables sort themselves out.

What is “crap like this”...not paying attention to your gearing? Mixing old parts and realizing not everything works well together?

He just needs to spend a few minutes reading Sheldon Brown articles and he’ll be 90% there.

If by “cool” you mean “hideous,” then yes.  This is a breath of fresh air.  I’m not sure how or when a poorly designed mishmash of shapes with tons of fake grills and vents became anything other than just bad, but I’ll take restraint any old day.

Are you blind?