
The bumpers on the X1 are weirdly spongish and I'm not a fan. The rubber on the DS4 thumbsticks wears off for some people, but I think that might just be a manufacturing defect because it's only happened to a few people so far. Other than that they're both very good controllers in my opinion.


I mostly really liked the feel of the gamecube controller. It was very satisfying to play games on, especially Luigi's Mansion and Mario Sunshine. The pro controller, while serviceable, is not really special in the same way. Also, it's an inverted dualshock (in regards to stick and button placement) which is annoying

Nintendo needs to make another game cube. One that uses the same controller as the original, with none of this motion control and gamepad fuckery. Why does Nintendo feel the need to redesign the controls ever generation? The gamecube controller was perfect.

What a retarded post.

Are you prepared to pay more than double what you pay now for electronics? Chinese factory workers make in a day what U.S. McDonalds workers make in under two hours. And I can promise you that factory jobs would be expected to pay higher wages than McDonalds. Foxconn gets away with it because they house and feed their

Sending bad joojoo your PS4's way. Fingers crossed it fucks up soon.

So why are they not turning consistent profits?

I'm replying to you simply so I can easily come back when the X1 has no issues.

I think assuming the Xbox One is worse before its even released is kind of stupid. Microsoft hardware, aside from the first gen 360, is pretty reliable.

For the 360 the electronics were sourced from factories in Malaysia and Brazil, before being assembled in Texas. I highly doubt that is still true, the cost of labor in the U.S. has climbed significantly since the 360 launch.

The issue was that they started IE instead of the search app. It's weird, but it's how MS does things these days. Pick up a Windows Phone, and if you start IE the homepage is the desktop version of Bing, and you need to hit the phone's search button for a phone-optimized version of bing. If you use Windows 8 you can

That is literally the most retarded comment I've read all day.

That's a hippogriff in the picture...


Are you always this big of a cuntgoblin, or just today? I actually liked Postal, and have been waiting for a sequel. It's probably the only good movie Uwe Boll ever made, and there's people genuinely interest in seeing a second half. Just because you're on a high horse about hating a movie you've never seen doesn't

It's extremely immature that Sony still won't shut up about this. MS saw that most publishers were leaning towards social, always online games, EA and Activision both seem to have no plans to make an offline game for next gen. At least MS had thought of a way to soften the blow of this industry trend by pioneering a

By that logic every Xbox One should have massive RROD problems within a few months of release. Oh wait- it's completely new hardware so your experience with the old version means next to nothing...

The headset port is proprietary on X1. Since you don't want to use your own microphone you just have to plug your headphones into your tv's sound ouput though.

It's not magic, that's how omni-directional mics work. There's an array of mics, it finds the channel with your voice, and isolates that sound wave... I can promise you it works perfectly, I use one that record my piano playing and I've never once had it pick up background noise. And if you need reassurance, use a