
Funny think is that as a general rule I would agree with that. When I'm being entertained I like to be engrossed in a complex storyline for a long period of time. I also like long movies... These aren't strict rules, they definitely have exceptions, but they're why I don't generally deal with short stories, indie

lol I did completely fuck up that sentence, I won't argue that. But Ouya is just retarded in my opinion, and a lot of that comes from the fact that I feel like a good game needs a large budget. I know that's not a popular opinion, but personally I have always had more fun playing big-budget over the top games. I don't

Ouya is shit, and you wasted your money. Funny that you think you can find 3 people that will wants to place that steaming pile of garbage with you.

It's called the Ouya because when you see it you turn ouya degrees and walk away

Move to a better country. They didn't target your contry because it's either full of immport restrictions of is full of poorfags. No sympathy here.

Xbox One isn't shit, the technology and software involved looks very impressive, there's just the matter of all the anti-consumer shit MS seems intent on doing. I'm fine with it if it actually means developers see more money, but I doubt it'll work out that way in practice.

There already was a lifetime original movie. The story is really only memorable because of the collection of colorful characters involved.

It's getting better everyday. Now that the platform is finally over 5% marketshare and growing steadily we're finally getting good 1st party apps. There's still 3rd party alternatives for most things, but they tend to be lacking some of the flagship features of official apps. There's some pretty good games though, and

Microsoft is an extremely stubborn company, I don't think they've ever backed down on a policy once they've created it, they just have a general problem ever admitting they're wrong. If they caved into consumer demands Windows 8 would've had a start menu months ago. Their response to customer anger over the X1 DRM

My dreamcast is somewhere in my closet weeping about how this was all his idea.

At the end of the day, it just looks like Xbox is going to be getting better, more unique exclusives. When I think of what I want out of a next-gen console, I like to think about innovation, and support from the manufacturer. MS is doing some cool shit with the X1, and Sony is basically making the PS3 part 2. MS also

You would think that the suburbs would have their own whole foods though? Anyways, happy for Detroit.

haha yepp. Glad I'm not the only one here that's ventured to such depths of the internet.

Here are my feelings about Packard. Summed up in a lovely .gif

The way the world works now, it makes no sense that I can't go to a manufacturer's website, customize a car, and have it built and delivered to my door in a few weeks. Sure, keep a few dealers open for test drives, but that's it. The way auto-buying works now is completely ridiculous, and shows the dangers of

I haven't shopped at a used game store since Funkoland was still a thing back during the N64 days. I became and adult with common sense and realized that by saving myself a few bucks and buying a used game I was giving my money to a corporation that ripped off consumers and completely cut out the game developer from

It's not really that hard to understand. PS4 announcement was basically "who cares" for anyone that doesn't game. A bunch of gameplay footage and talk of specs is not anything spectacular. The media did, however, shit themselves over a touch panel on the controller. Xbox one is a set top box that gets rid of the ugly

HDMI in because people pay cable companies for set top boxes, and DVR/Extra tuners cost more from your cable company. MS would have really pissed off cable companies if they included tuners in the X1 and cut off that revenue stream, and MS needs cable company support for this all to work.

What the actual fuck?

Why are people so stupid?