It's common sense that you should buy clothes you like that fit well and are made from a good material. Not sure what you're trying to say.
It's common sense that you should buy clothes you like that fit well and are made from a good material. Not sure what you're trying to say.
...this is common sense
People expected too much from Prometheus. The style of the Alien movies has always been to have an intriguing premise that devolves into a simple fight for your life, with very few characters left alive. Prometheus is one of my favorite movies honestly.
I live in DC and most of the people I know act like that. Extremely self-absorbed, two faced, self-entitled, but generally caring about social issues while having a fairly good sense of humor about life. These types of people aren't great friends but they're fun, and they're everywhere I go, so I've learned to deal…
I've had problems with eye contact my whole life. I'm not sure how to do it properly, and I feel like I'm staring rudely if I look right in their eyes for a whole conversation. Usually I look at something over the persons shoulder, and every few second I'll shift my gaze slightly to look at something else around the…
It's a shame because the Karma is one of the best looking cars ever created. Absolutely stunning in person.
I'm 22, graduated HS in '08. My life isn't really difficult now, I'm currently finishing up college (nothing special, just VCU. Easy peasy), but I just have so much anxiety about where my life is headed and worried I'm not gonna find a good job, worried I'm not likable as a person, wanting better friends, not knowing…
I pretty much loved all of school. It's 12 years of minimal work and obligations, all you do is learn basic skills and hang out with people your age. It's honestly a pretty sweet deal when you think about it.
Why does everyone say high school sucks? High school was really fun where I went, knew lots of great people there, and I generally had a great time...
2002-2005 Thunderbird
All that you've mentioned is what makes WP (in my opinion) the superior mobile platform. The level of cohesive integration across the phone is astounding, and the 1st party things that MS did do for Windows Phone are done extremely well.
Group messaging is super annoying on Windows Phone. Fingers crossed they fix it in the next major update...
There are many things Android does now that have been part of Windows Phone for years. The people app comes to mind as it's a blatant rip off of the people hub created for WP7. The fact that Google continues to ripoff these ideas while refusing to even make mobile apps for Windows Phone is despicable.
You need to use a Windows phone as part of an entire windows ecosystem or it doesn't make sense. Sure, you don't get third party support for many apps (At this point it's obvious a few of those companies have some sort of bad blood towards MS. Google pretends Windows Phone doesn't even exist) But Microsoft has made…
Do me a favor and say that out loud. Either way. You'll notice that it still sounds like brick, regardless of which syllable you emphasize most. Anyways, I'm not sure why you were so rude to me, but I hope your anger has subsided enough that you are now able to see reason.
because it sounds like "brick" in the middle. That's a nightmare from a marketing perspective.
Toyota recycles 100% of the batteries in their hybrids. The whole point of electric car technology is that we can't use oil forever, and we need to figure out how to do with electricity what we've done with combustion engines before we're up against a wall.
Those wheels are glorious!
I still don't see your point. Just because it doesn't "need" an Acura badge doesn't mean it doesn't deserve one. It will be Honda's most powerful car, you would think they would market it under the luxury brand. I'm not sure what you think they'll gain by making it a Honda in the US, or why you would find it more…