I think you could use a follow-up on the definition of “influential”. Hint: it has nothing to do with attractiveness.
I think you could use a follow-up on the definition of “influential”. Hint: it has nothing to do with attractiveness.
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
I THINK it’s supposed to say, “Gave her name as Nyiasha,” but it’s confusing AF because this is so poorly written. April Jackson’s daughter is named “Miss Nyiasha,” I guess?
Still unclear about the employee handing “her” (April Jackson or Miss Nyiasha?) the bag and then warning “them” (were they both in the car?) to…
There’s only two possibilities here, and they’re both dumb. Either the Chick-Fil-A employee was a straight-up fuck-you racist dipshit, and thought it would be hilarious to use that word on a receipt AND was too stupid to spell it correctly. OR they actually misheard the name Nyiasha as “Niger” (pronounced like the…
Inspired by a “true” “story”.
Even the bag is ugly.
fuck your slideshow
Children should not be going to college and his parents should feel bad. Learning how to socialize with people his own age should be the focus of his education right now. If he really wants to learn about quantum physics just sign him up for a library card.
that’s just called not giving a fuck on the second/third/fourth try.
It feels good to be the only person in the world who still cares about James Cameron’s Avatar
To be honest, I doubt people could realize how good the data is, so I am going to present it this way:
US population is about 331 million. Covid death is about 566k. That means, if one walks out to the street, gets Covid and die, the chance is about 0.17%. Doesn’t sound too bad right? But then, if you give it a more…
I get that SOME people like the song and dance they get when they’re being marketed and sold some sort of product. They especially like it when it makes them feel important or fancy, just for taking part in the process.
The difference is people will miss Blockbuster.
oh, come on. crunchy. sheesh.
crunch crunch crunch
I mean, it does. No one has ever claimed crunch wasn’t effective. Just that it’s inhumane.
There’s already a speedrun on youtube: