
The thing does it exactly what it’s supposed to do very well. It does it with parts that are built to last and easily machined and replacable. It’s a well designed product. It just doesn’t make sense as a product.

Yeah this is a 20 year old car. It’s already weird that he’s spending this much time and money on its appearance right?

Weird article because anyone who could actually follow the instructions could have figured this out without instructions. 

Are we really making fun of small practically designed homes? 

This model of Thunderbird looks so different based on the trim package. The Pacific Coast Roadster is the version you want.

wild that deal was almost 3 times the size of this one

Probably an oversimplification. I also don’t understand how a computer program doing math is anything special, computers have always been great at math, that’s like their whole thing lol. I think what’s become clear over the past few months is that the AI tools the general public has access to are not the same as what

I have no use for any of their stuff and find it overpriced and pretentious but the industrial design of their products is visually stunning.

I think most families do both. They might not have much different ingredients but fresh vs canned is a totally different flavor.

I want to see it because of reasons too. Mostly because it would be laughably awful. 

We’re literally at a point where Avatar might become their most successful franchise because they ruined everything else. 

...Yeah I understand some of those words. I’m so done with the MCU.

Xbox runs a modified version of Windows I don’t get why it wouldn’t be possible to just let people connect a USB blu ray drive just like you can on a PC.

Disco Elysium might be one of the best games ever made. 

All versions of gamepass include online play

While I get what they’re trying to do and it’s a good idea in theory... this is a mess. 

Clearly done by different teams. Last of Us House looks awesome. Stranger Things house is a huge disappointment.

Because young people using delivery apps tend to view large franchises negatively. 

Some people don’t trust tap water and only drink bottled water. Expensive and unnecessary but that’s why nearly every restaurant sells bottled water, there are always people who will buy it.

Whatever. We’re talking about the same woman who remastered all her songs just to re-release them for legal reasons?