It is, yeah! One of my favourite episodes!
It is, yeah! One of my favourite episodes!
There is a wonderful episode of Castle revolving around four warring pizza chains: Authentic Nick’s, Terrific Nick’s, Authentic Terrific Nick’s and, yup, Terrific Authentic Nick’s. It. Is. Glorious.
I've read fruit flies can live off the fumes from alcohol, is that true? So if you use wine they don't actually need to land to consume, if that makes sense. We got infested with them in Germany and they did all seem to congregate around the necks of the (multiple!) empty wine bottles my flatmate and I had lying…
See, on the one hand, I agree. And on the other hand, I cried for three hours 2 weeks ago when Terry Pratchett died and I'm 22! So... At this particular point in time I can kinda get it. But also on the third hand I am sure that the death of my favourite author, one of the most intelligent, funny people in the…
Plus I figure meat figured in their diets maybe once a week or so, when they could catch it. And then heavily in various states of decay or else heavily salted. And then not at all for a while.
Energy is chemicals! Adenine Triphosphate guyzzzzz! Don't give it to the bubbuhs!
I get my boyfriend's sister and brother-in-law making the same kind of comments. I mean, come on, you're in your 30s now, enough with the snark! I'm 10 years younger than them and I'm not making childish remarks about eating meat!
Thanks for this C. A.! I've never eaten meat (veggie parents/never interested in trying) and I hate preachy omnivores, veggies and vegans all the same. The first lot cause they don't get to slag off my lifestyle when I leave theirs alone, and the other two for giving vegetarians and vegans a bad name! Live and let…
Totally agree! I'm a lifelong vegetarian, never eaten meat ever. I'm cool with that. It usually only comes up if I'm eating with people (as in 'hey I'm veggie, do you want me to bring stuff for the barbecue/night in/whatever ') and most people are fine and sometimes we talk about it for a few minutes and then…
The women wearing trouser thing... The best thing I learned on my women's writing module 2nd year (which was full of evil feminazis discussing things like body image, work and how to emasculate men, obvs) was that some anti-female suffrage folks would refer to women who campaigned for the right to wear trousers as…
It's awesome :) Although I was there for a month in the summer and it was SO HOT! Bad for trying to study grammar :P
Oh yeah, pretty much everyone I met in Germany is more left-wing, but Merkel gets shit done, so they like her. Plus she's done a hell of a lot to help with the remaining divide post-Mauerfall and pulled them out of the recession almost unscathed, whilst Germany takes in more immigrants, especially asylum seekers, than…
I really want to see her response to this. There are few that can pull off a decent "NO. Fuck you and your shit" glare better than Kanzlerin Merkel. You don't get to photoshop out one of the most powerful people in Europe just because she has a vagina. Merkel is a BAMF through and through, and she always seems to…
So... he doesn't like the girl so he farts and a load of random animals invade her house and then she puts him in a bath because... no, I don't even know!
Not just America! We get these kind of shitheads in the UK too (as evidenced by the bankers!) Everyone should have to work customer service - retail, complaints handling, call centre, food service industry, cause then you wouldn't get people who bitch at the shop assistants/waiters/call-centre operators for stuff…
*hugs* for you. I did the same thing last year. It was UKIP that made me think abroad wasn't such a bad place after all :P Hang in there, I hope you feel better soon.
This one makes me so angry! Whoever designed this never read the book, how dare they besmirch my heroine so!
My ex-housemate had a party for her new housemate (mutual friend) where she assigned everyone HP characters. We have... history. She gave me Umbridge. It was like "well, you're not even trying to pretend you don't hate me now!"
Possibly because, until very recently, they were excluded from discussions about literature/film/music/science/anything else in popular culture regardless of time period through dint of owning vaginas. Often also physically excluded from the places where these discussions took place (pubs, universities, societies…