
It worked for me, yeah.

I didn't see this one, but rather I lived it. My costume was "Roller Girl", complete with old school skating rink roller skates. There was a "gentleman" whose attention I had commanded—he didn't live in the city that I did, so I accompanied him to his hotel. After a few hours of sleep, I decided it was time to make my

This one time I went as The Halloween Scrooge and chastised people for enjoying dressing up for Halloween.

Sid is definitely a lot more sympathetic than the movie originally lets on. Of course, to the toys he seems like a monster, and rightfully so. Until you realize that everything he does is without the knowledge that toys are alive. Then he becomes a child with an overactive imagination and a fascination with

I had similar thoughts on reading this article. I was 16 when I went to college, and it never would have occurred to me to sue the university for something like this. The rapist? Certainly. The frat, if it happened or was associated with a frat party? Possibly. But I considered myself an adult when I went to

I agree, but I work at a university and I think the concept of wraparound universities has changed this. Where I work, administration is obsessively in students lives (so they'll be donors one day). If you're not in an environment like this, I understand it more. But most universities are moving towards fully

I agree completely. I was assaulted in college. The fact was, I was stupid and drank too much with people I didn't know. I could have avoided the whole situation by being more responsible and I knew that at the time.

I'm not being pedantic for its own sake here, but, I don't think a University is required to Enforce the law. They are required to Abide by the law. And in this situation they did so inasfar as the University didn't rape this young lady. It sounds like when they were alerted to the situation they took appropriate

I agree with what you're saying and get it completely. The problem is the reaction following the rape. They've now moved to victim blaming (too much to drink, ergo her fault, etc) and therein lies the problem.

Just what do you expect campus police to do? Campus police are first responders, not first preventers. Are you expecting them to start pulling NARQ stings to find date rape drug dealers? Should they attend every party? Have access or surveillance on every dorm room?

Are you saying that if you were assaulted in an alley behind a bar, you think the bar is responsible?

i agree with this. Law enforcement is law enforcement's job. Everyone should be aware of rape culture, and if the university did something negligible that helped facilitate this attack then please sue the shit out of them, but you cant hold them liable for any crime any student commits. The way they are handling

I think you have a valid point on some fronts - colleges and universities shouldn't be expected to protect students who live off campus for example, but they do have a more defined role of security for students who live ON campus.

Good point. A college cannot guarantee the safety of every student at every possible time. Nor can it even guarantee that conditions (on or off campus) are such that crimes or other bad acts are not likely to happen. It does seem that she was warned by the college that there was a problem there.

I think the problem is a lot of parties aren't university sponsored and I don't know how a university can police off campus parties or even on campus illicit drinking. How could a university prevent some students from drugging others drinks? I agree 100% about all your points regarding their handling of crimes after

Almost wrote a lengthy reply before reading your last sentence. I do think there are three areas where colleges can and should take extra measures to protect students.

I agree with you. The way colleges handle sexual assault accusations is a major, major problem. HOWEVER, it is not, nor should it be, the job of the college to protect students at all times, from all crime. How exactly would this even happen? If a student's dorm room is broken into and their laptop stolen, the school

I don't think you're off base here. The idea that an educational institution should be completely responsible for everything that happens to students is unrealistic.

I think I would need to know the details of the case. In general, your point is valid. A college is an educational institution, not a surrogate parent for thousands of adults. On the other hand, did they respond appropriately after her report was filed? Have they taken steps to work with authorities to lessen the

This is all kinds of ugly. The fact that colleges try to sweep these things under the rug - and worse, blame the victim for having been victimized - continues to baffle me.