*ancestral castle
Fun fact: Harington and Leslie are both descended from relatively recent British nobility.
I think Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson should have swapped roles. Woody dies during the heist and Thandie becomes Han’s mentor. If only so we could get more Thandie Newton.
There’s a pretty heavy implication that Gamora’s inside the Soul Stone. James Gunn already confirmed that, of the Guardians, Gamora is the most important in Guardians 3, so it’s possible that, if she isn’t revived in Avengers 4, that Guardians 3 spends at least some time trying to revive her.
I definitely thought the pre-snap deaths were/are permanent, but something about Loki’s slight disappearance before being taken out by Thanos is iffy (granted this an internet theory I’m going with, but I can sorta see it).
They can’t use The Silmarillion. They can’t use Unfinished Tales. They can’t use History of Middle Earth. They can’t use Children of Hurin. Everything else from LotR and The Hobbit was either already filmed or appears with little detail in the Appendices and whatnot.
This means what we’ll be seeing is the world’s most…
An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:
I remember reading that her natural hair color is Blonde, she dyed it for Game of Thrones.
Is this the new “The Dress?”
On a first listen, yes it does sound like the n word but if you actually listen it’s clearly “mothafuckaaaa.”
She SO clearly said “motherfucker.” She has an English accent so it sounds different to American folks. I’m Spanish and to me it definitely does not sound like the n word
Even his expository small talk was filled with his accomplishments rather than his shortcomings.
This seems to be a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation.
Franklin had no overtly negative qualities.
Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and…
Naw, he has the best people. Really good people. Amazing people, really. Trust me.
In a way, that’s sorta true. I mean, Washington Post gets a lot of leaks from Trump campaign staffers and aides, and some of the scoops they’ve gotten have to be from very high ranking people. Like they just put up a story earlier today where they wrote that Trump apparently was sequestered in his tower the entire…
The same person who plagiarized Michelle Obama for Melania also bought her that shirt.
Yup, I think that the higher divorce rate is actually a good thing. I'm 25, so my grandparents are starting to really get up there in age, and they're starting to lose the ability/desire to hold in things they've been internalizing for decades. There is seriously nothing sadder than looking at both of them and…