
I’ve seen a lot of people online recently claiming that they hated the book, but the weird thing is that I’ve never once seen any of them actually give a detailed take-down of the book. They always just say “The book sucked,” “It was dogshit,” etc. The only substantive criticism I ever hear is that it relied too much

According to an NPR story, at least some Ghanaians were not impressed with the accent, but it wasn’t enough to spoil their enjoyment of the film.

Even though Dawn wasn’t a very interesting character in her own right, I think her presence was important for Buffy’s development. The core of the show was about Buffy growing up, going from a selfish, immature teenager to an adult with responsibilities and a dependent. Without Dawn, she could have easily remained in

1) Yes, it’s a similar concept, and I’ve enjoyed both series. I would prefer if Lady Trent books had taken Temeraire’s lead on using real names of geographic places and events, instead of making up equivalents that are difficult to keep straight (i.e. Scirland = England). But I like that they seriously tackle a lot

Yes, I’m aware of the issues that people have sometimes had with his work. I agreed with the Black Widow criticism when it was first discussed. But the existence of a few mis-steps over the course of his long career have not managed to convince me that he’s an utterly incompetent misogynist who should never work

So when exactly did the internet collectively decide to turn against Joss Whedon? It still feels really weird to me to see an io9 comment section given over to bashing Whedon and saying he’s a total failure as a feminist. And then see his few defenders get derided and called delusional.

Think about doing your same hypothetical test with the Simpsons. They have yellow skin and blue Afros - why do you perceive them as white? It works the same with anime. They have very generic features without a lot of racial identifiers, so you can project whatever you want on them.

You seem really, genuinely confused, so I’m going to try to explain why people didn’t like your comment. The problem is not that you think she’s pretty. The problem is the “fishing for compliments” line.

Yup. I cared about the Hunger Games just enough to see three movies, and I saw three. The third one was too thin and slow-paced, so I wasn’t exactly eager to double down on that experience.

He’ll probably shave if he ends up going before a jury. Right now, it’s just a judge.

In reality, the type of blinkered Christian that objects to fantasy as a corrupting influence tends to object to The Chronicles of Narnia just the same, because they don’t actually bother to read or educate themselves about books before they turn their knee-jerk reaction into a crusade.

The entire first season is currently available for free streaming on ABC’s website. However, it says it expires tomorrow! It’s only eight half-hour episodes though, so you could manage it.

That’s the argument I used with my boyfriend when we talked about whether he should have purple skin or not (like the comic character does). I felt it was important to the show for Kilgrave to be a traditionally handsome person that readily charms the audience, since it gives us the sense of being in the other

One of Tolkien’s greatest dreams was to have his works adapted by artists of different mediums, like painters and musicians (you can find the quote in the intro to the Silmarillion). His only hesitation about seeing fantasy adapted to the stage or film was that he felt the special effects of the time weren’t good

I don’t actually own any pets at all, and the quiz called me a cat lady. Apparently just liking cats is enough.

Just yesterday I watched a mother squeeze about half a bear-bottle of honey into a small coffee that appeared to be for her child (8-10 years old).

Just because the customers in the story turned out to be genuinely awful doesn’t mean the server can’t be a nasty piece of work too.

I never realized that Watchmen was about exactly one thing. I thought it was a complex and multi-layered masterpiece with many different themes. Silly me.

So if someone disagrees with your perspective, the only possible explanation is that they didn’t actually read or understand your comment? No. I understood your comment just fine, despite the fact that it was really awkwardly phrased. Your point was dumb.

You find it shocking/horrifying that they would focus on talking about things like periods and erections to 5th graders? Isn’t it most useful to talk to them about the things that are actually happening to their own bodies right at that moment, assuring them that it’s all normal and healthy?