
It's obviously bad that a double standard is being applied, but it's hard for me to get too angry about this, since I don't think Stand Your Ground laws make sense for any type of situation. So why would I want to expand the situations under which this horribly unjust law can be applied? If someone's life really is

It hardly looks like something that was produced on his behalf by a PR department. It's not on letterhead or even formatted like a business letter. It's just a simple note like someone might write for a friend (you know, if you printed out messages for friends instead of emailing them).

Also, even if it is their own children, why is having kids automatically a "fail"? That doesn't necessarily mean they are married. Lots of single parents of both genders use dating apps.

I don't use Tinder, but when I'm on OKCupid, I often see pictures of guys with brides or children, and there's usually a caption to explain that it is their sister or nephew or some other person that totally makes sense. Does Tinder not have captions?

Good for you! I also ended up going on a couple dates with someone I met on a subway once. There's nothing inherently wrong with men approaching strangers if they are respectful and competent at picking up on cues when their attention is not welcome.

Annoying actor? Yeah, because God knows he always plays the same damn type.

From what I understand, the Daily Mail photo is probably not actually Lena Heady. She used a body double for most of the scene.

I believe that style of having the text appear on screen was pioneered by the BBC show Sherlock, which also did a great job of featuring texting as a natural means of communication.

It really makes no difference to such deluded people what the author's own beliefs are. People regularly accuse Lord of the Rings of being somehow anti-Christian, even though Tolkien was the most devout and unwavering Catholic a person could possibly be.

OK, well, sorry if I misunderstood you. Also sorry that I've now dismissed your comment. I'm not trying to silence you, but I am tired of talking about this, and Kinja does not allow me to delete my own comments, so that's the only way to make the thread disappear from general view.

I made a comment specifically stating that I relate to #6, and she replied to me saying that everyone who relates to #6 has no real problems. That is clearly about me.

Even if I had meant that statement so literally, I've actually seen a lot of cassiebearRAWR's comments on this site.

I always try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Hence why I focused on the only thing I liked about this article to give a positive comment. But when someone is hostile to me from the start, telling me I'm an "adorkable white girl whose problems are trivial in the grand scheme of things," I'm not going to

Fuck you.

The only one I really relate to is #6, but that's pretty much spot-on.

When I looked at the slideshow, since I don't recognize a lot of celebrities, I sometimes actually had trouble telling which one was supposedly so hideous and undateable until I read the caption.

I think you missed some of the essential points of the piece. If you only use clearly definable metrics like income and level of education, then no, not all women could "date equal," but that is an impoverished way of thinking about relationship equality.

I think Dreyfuss is right. Media of all kinds just has a greater influence on you when you're young. For one thing, it's often the first time you're exposed to certain ideas, so it seems exciting and fresh (even if it's an 80-year-old book like The Hobbit). By the time we're adults, almost everything feels like

Yeah, I didn't really mean to imply that all screamers are fake, though I can see how I did. But when a guy thinks that all women are supposed to scream and moan like porn actresses when they orgasm, I don't think it's usually because they just happened to have a long string of girlfriends who were natural screamers.

Absolutely. Part of the fun of sex is that all your higher cognitive thinking is driven out by more primal needs, and with it all our pretensions of being "civilized." You have to embrace just being an animal for a little while.