Flight attendants get paid a decent salary with benefits, and most do not want to be considered "glorified waitresses/bartenders," so I don't know why I would treat them like one.
Flight attendants get paid a decent salary with benefits, and most do not want to be considered "glorified waitresses/bartenders," so I don't know why I would treat them like one.
"why are people always shouting when they orgasm in movies??"
Can't you create separate users within the same account now, so that you can segregate the tastes of different family members?
I disagree. I really can't see any point in targeted Facebook recommendations to specific friends. If I got a fb notification saying, "Jane thinks you would enjoy Orange is the New Black on Netflix!", I would disregard it entirely. If she really thought of me, why didn't she just text me to tell me about the show? Why…
Well, when I say 'talk,' I mean text or email, of course. I'm not crazy.
Alternative method of recommending movies and shows to friends: talk to your friends.
Maybe they were actually working instead of surfing the internet all day, so they didn't see the news right away?
Sure, women's running shorts with pockets do exist; I have one pair with pockets. But it is pretty uncommon, and those options are often ugly and unflattering. Similarly, it's not technically impossible to find a dress with pockets, but it's not practical to plan that all your dresses will have pockets, so I just…
When I go running, I always stick a credit card in my sports bra, in case I decide to buy something on my way home, and I tie my apartment key to my shoelaces. It would be nice to have actual pockets for that shit. Good idea, Lululemon.
Well, a US size 8 is all over the map, since some brands really go nuts with the vanity sizing more than others. But she doesn't look too different from what I'd consider an American size 8. I've fluctuated between 6-12, and I usually wear a size 8 right now.
I get that he was talking about how women go to the frat parties to drink instead of having their own parties. But if you look at his wording, he really seems to think that he has to establish the fact that women drinking is a thing, and that his audience might not really believe that's true.
I defended the English judge's comments from yesterday, but this guy really is an idiot.
A lot of people go for the lively comments section on her column.
Her real name is Emily Yoffe, if that helps.
Prudence makes bad calls all the time. I think the one that bothered me most was this one:
That's not the argument at all. These products give you a false sense of security, giving you an unwarranted impression that you are safe if they have not activated. Just as bad, they can give false positives with alarming frequency, which could lead you to randomly accuse people of trying to drug you on completely…
No, the dude was my dad's friend, not my friend's dad. He also made some pretty insulting, sexist comments about my possible future career prospects.
I'm curious about this talk of getting moles removed. Did a doctor tell you that they needed to be removed, or was it for cosmetic reasons? I have a bunch of moles, many of which have gotten larger as I get older, but I just thought that was normal. I never thought of them as being connected to sun damage - a…
Even when I spend a lot of time in the sun, I never hold a tan for long, so people used to give me a lot of grief for being pale. I distinctly remember when I was fifteen, a friend of my dad said, "You need to put down those books and go outside once in a while!" I promptly informed him, "I actually just got back…
Even if the man might have been equally drunk? If two drunk people have sex, are you really going to say that it is always rape? Who raped whom then?