You need to read the details on Twitter. She was Rachel Dolezal-ing, not code switching.
You need to read the details on Twitter. She was Rachel Dolezal-ing, not code switching.
Most of us who are multilingual end up remembering words in one language and forgetting it in the other on a regular basis.
Her family is not Spanish and moved to Spain to retire. The fact that she gave another impression tells you all you need to know.
This is my third Christmas since my husband died. I’ve isolated alone during the pandemic and my extended family all live far from me.
My family has always gone all-in for Christmas Eve. We’re a family of band/choir geeks and drama nerds, all grown up. This isn’t one continuous memory, but rather a collection of remembrances.
I’m not going to say that this is my best holiday story, but today I got an awesome gift- a gift that brought me this bang-out of joyful suprise that I didn’t think was possible for any reasonable adult to have:
1. Pine
2. O’Dowd
3. Evans/Hemsworth
4. Hemsworth/Evans
No. Shkreli’s own lawyers referred to a fiancee when they petitioned to get him out of prison this spring. (And Elle almost certainly would require some kind of proof that she’s not just fully inventing it.)
A high school friend had a cat he was very fond of. This cat was his baby. First day back after Christmas break, I surprised him with a “fancy” (for a 14 year old) collar studded with fake gems and new name tag, and a fleecy cat pillow.
It was a white elephant gift exchange with my husband’s family. I picked the safest gift- a liquor bottle, nicely wrapped. I unwrapped it to find it was a whiskey bottle, but emptied and filled with water and a beta fish. We welcomed Jack Daniels to our family and he lived happily for 4 years.
This was an especially bad gift for so many reasons.
Once upon a time, my best friend (a guy, completely platonic) got married. Then I got a real, grown up job. These unrelated events found me trying to catch up to years of generous gift giving from a guy who had a real grown up job for a lot longer. (He got me my first vibrator, which I know seems to make it seem not…
I’m not proud, but this is anonymous so...
My uncle and I have the same birthday. So we always get each other small gifts. When I was in college and had no money, I saw a 3 liter of store brand Dr Pepper called “Dr. Thunder” . We all laughed when he unwrapped it.
If she’s in the guest room, she has already left and it’s probably only economic necessity keeping her there.
What do you think the chances are that Erika didn’t know that they were out of money and he was stealing money until he told her (at least the broke part) at which point she filed for divorce?
“Who’s the talentless clown now, assholes?”
I mean . . . it’s possible she’s lying about her age in addition to everything else.
She lists one of her degrees as an associates’ degree from Michigan. Problem with that is that they don’t award 2 year degrees in Ann Arbor.