
AND! IF HE IS FUCKING RECALLED then he’ll be replaced by a Republican which can completely sway what little chance we have of any sort of progress to be made on a national level for you a fight against the abortion ban. Let’s not add someone to the government who is anti-women at a moment when our very

I swear to god, when my kids (3.5 and almost 2) don’t want to snuggle anymore, I will lose my shit. It is incredibly frustrating to try to coax a toddler back to sleep at 4:45 am but then I look at her face finally sleeping in my arms and I think “How will I exist when I can’t hug her into slumber anymore? What

All abutt! Toot toot!

Can I touch?

Don’t worry, I doubt anyone fucking them has a good time. 

Uh, I definitely think that filing for divorce was done as an agreement between both the two of them to hide assets. There was no lead up to the divorce (multiple lawsuits had hit his firm in the past few years) but I think this was the one that seemed like it might actually affect the couple’s finances. Hence,

Totally called this shit from the jump. After lawsuits started coming I was like hmmm...then once she admitted on some late night show that they didn’t have a prenup I was like “Oh yeah that makes sense. Put that out in public so when you divorce later to protect the assets, it looks like she got away with a ton of


I’m so sorry and I really hope that you are able to extricate yourself from the relationship now that you see how harmful it is. There is no reason for you to have to “report” to your significant other. They can use their GD ears when you tell them something the first time.

Uh As someone whose dad died. If my husband got me a hologram of him I’d be like “What the fuck is wrong with you?” It’s not even a video of a real memory!

This is way late but I take my time with the scary stories. July 20th, 2013 I wake up and leave my Brooklyn apartment to get some Dunkin Donuts for my roomie and me. On my walk back a ladybug lands on me and I stopped to ask “What the heck are you doing here?” and even took a few pics of the bug walking on my arm and

Jesus tap dancing Christ. That’s fucked up.

Gas station parking space in Staten Island at midnight. While my friend and I were in the middle of peeing the semi truck behind us turned on its lights and honked its horn.

Yup, or just find friends who have older kids and give you their clothes for bananas.

Said this hours later than you. YES! Agree.

AND...a handy dandy protection against prosecution. Aka not being able to testify against one another.

I’m sorry you have to deal with this. It’s shitty that your ex can’t be decent and also FUCK them for not spending time with their kids. That is almost as bad as tormenting you.

I really liked SarahBeth for her pregnancy yoga videos. It took a lot of trial and error to find prenatal yoga videos that either didn’t feel like a workout at all or were very very weird woo woo. 

Ahh yes, it’s good to know that sticky hair feeling is also permanently melted into other people’s memories as well.

I am so glad for this one. In high school (in Texas) I had a really really shitty long distance running coach. He was a total dick and often didn’t acknowledge when people had heat stroke or problems that were arising from the INSANE HEAT AN HUMIDITY found in TX. I had zero respect for him and pretty much only joined