
Again I would have given and will volantarily surrender my left nut for the U.S. to have her as Madame President.......but Murica not ready

Damn, he looks good for 45. 

Woof, he is aging nicely.

Not one mention of Role Models.  Shame. 

I think only people who pose an actual threat belong in jail. Smollett deserves to do community service. Like, a shitload of it. Sending him to jail doesn’t do anyone any good. Not society, not him. 

Also, as someone who’s dealt with more than a few suicides over the course of my life, it really isn’t that uncommon to see someone talk a lot about how great they’re feeling and how they’re over whatever problems they’ve had and even go on to say (often without it really being part of the conversation) “I’m not

Is this Elon’s eighth child?

P.S. I’ve been on Gawker Media and it’s prior iteration for a decade, why am I still grey?

To be fair, Kim may actually be unaware of that. She may be some kind of savant at marketing or influencing or whatever we’re calling her brand of totally useless contribution these days, but every time I’ve caught her in interviews she is dumb as a stump. We have got to stop conflating rich and successful with smart,

“Can I have an ORDINARY household task? One that you’d PROBABLY want to PUT OFF?”

I'd agree with you except have you seen Mandy Moore's old lady getup in This Is Us? It's awful. 

The only winners here are TikTok and vibrator companies.

So glad to see an actress resisting the industry pressures to keep working, and instead rely on medical wisdom to care for her body. Now to take a gigantic sip of coffee as I google this rising star

the British papers are the worst. Ask the victims of the Hillsborough football disaster. It's worth looking up. 

Who is y’all? Nothing in here is a fan theory and I took like 5 minutes to look up the dates (from Jezebel articles) so the analysis is not really that deep. I scrolled past a TikTok back in May that said Olivia was pregnant and it turns out she was! Not really analyzing anything too deeply here, it seems like very

I actually hope Olivia and John made it work, and then add a third named Newton.

The PA who got paralyzed was the safety person for a lift that was going up and down.  Her job was to let people around the lift know when it was moving.  She decided to sit UNDER THE ARM OF THE LIFT on the device and poke at her phone.  She was, I’ll re iterate, the person who was assigned to keep people aware of the

Surfers are territorial and bitchy, just like any other group that has a hobby.

Jamie got pregnant at 16. Officially, the father is the guy she was on-and-off dating at the time, who was two years older than her. There have been rumors that that was a cover-up and it was actually by a producer on the show instead, but no real evidence. The kid looks a lot more like the ex-boyfriend than the

I don’t know if this is scary as much as it is odd, but I had an experience in early March 2020, right before Covid really hit hard. My son was in Scouts and had his very first camping trip. Usually his dad takes him to scouting activities, but he was out of town this particular weekend. Rather than cancel his first

Warning: domestic violence

I moved to Mexico City a few years ago, and in my second year found an apartment I loved in an old neighborhood. It was tiny and full of light and just perfect for me!

Shortly after moving in, I realized there was a ghost in the house. Things happened - the lens on my blue sunglasses going