
Thank you for sharing the update on this. When she first filed, so many of my friends were full on Nelson Muntz HA-HAing at the murderer (“hahaha his wife left him, too! TAKE THAT, murderer!!!!) and I had to be like... y’all, she’s clearly “leaving him” to protect their assets from the impending civil lawsuits he’s

There’s a similar situation going on with the divorce of the cop who killed George Floyd. The cop’s wife filed for divorce days after Floyd’s death, and in the settlement she was getting all the assets from the marriage until a judge who suspected fraud said not so fast.

This likely has to do with community property laws in California. As long as they’re married, her share of the community property can be seized to satisfy his debts. But using the divorce to hide his assets from the lawsuit is potentially fraudulent, which I read to be the point of the lawsuit.

Selective blindness is the horror of our age. No matter how many times we see and hear the ravages of this plague, we continue to act like guests at the Masque of the Red Death. 

Save some of those squashes for later! Thinner skinned ones like acorn need to be eaten within a month or two, but the harder skinned ones like butternut can be kept for months if you store them somewhere cool and dry. Keep them for the darker depths of winter when the local harvest is a distant memory, and you might

Some Thanksgiving treats! With just us, we made everything smaller! My carmel apple mini bundt cakes with hot carmel sauce were to die for.

I had a new grandson today. I also cannot deny I’m in an abusive relationship. I made dinner for my son and was gone from 4pm to 7. I came home to get screamed at for not texting what was happening while I was there. Is it inconsiderate? He knew where I was. I didn’t stop to update everything. He claims he doesn’t

People shit talk her, but I've always liked Ann Hathaway. She's talented, gorgeous, and from this at least, seems to be a decent person.

I think it should only be “squarely” on the husband if you don’t know the woman. If someone you consider a friend has an affair with your partner, you have every right to be pissed at her. That is also a betrayal. I have no expectation of a random woman to have loyalty to me in any way but I sure as fuck expect my

Delivering an 8-lb baby boy after 14 hours of labor. That was something.

I dressed up as a bong for what I thought was an adults only Halloween party. I was able to pass myself off as a teapot for the few children who dared to question me. My friend was dressed as a hooker, so I guess my costume was the lesser if two evils.

Hi, author here. We’ve gone over this a few times but hey, let’s do it again! I posted my original story Oct. 7 last year, including the photo. I’d originally intended to submit it for the contest but missed the deadline, and someone recommended I repost this year to see if it got in, which it did. Yay! Someone

Bluntly, the only thing that Susan Sarandon has done in a while that’s even worth mentioning is voice-acting the therapist on Rick and Morty whose main speciality is getting people to stop eating poop. 

“I don’t want to be in something where women are tearing down other women”

Ovarian for mom.

Hi friends. In years past, I have always submitted (late, sorry!) my story about getting lost in middle school, getting lost in the woods and accidentally finding myself in a Haunt, where Jason leaned, smoking, against a tree and helped my poor, young teacher find her way out of the (fake) haunt and back to our camp.


Possible Shapeshifter

Dear folks that are worried their comments will never be seen, I am reading them and I am sure folks like me are reading them too. I truly appreciate all of your stories and they genuinely scare me. Your efforts are not for nothing, YOUR RANDOM STORIES ARE MY FAVOURITE. Thank you! Keep it up. With much love, me. And

The Chimes

Okay, this story isn’t necessarily scary, but it solidified my belief in supernatural spirits.

About eight years ago, my family and I took a trip to Boulder, CO. We found an awesome airBnB right on the outskirts of downtown Boulder. It was an old Victorian house that had been rehabbed and converted into three

When I was a junior in college, I was supposed to move into an apartment with my boyfriend for the upcoming school year. At the last minute, I pulled out of the lease, deciding it wasn’t a good idea for us to move in together.