
I would argue that basically no men have ever been prepared to have children in our culture in any meaningful ways. Many men have been shamed for showing interest in child rearing as kids. While women have been cultivated to rear children literally their whole lives. When you hobble a whole gender to this level in

Lockman’s husband—who imagined her leave as “downright hedonistic,”

The move was only about a block away so I felt comfortable being a little casual with my packing. One of my choices was to tape up the drawers of my night tables rather than empty them. My boyfriend at the time (now husband) handled the tape duty. When they arrived at the destination I noticed that the tape was a

When I lived in LA just after college, I had a nearly full-on breakdown. I was living in a house with random roommates, one of whom was underage and would drink any alcohol we left in the refrigerator and look at you with dead eyes if you called her out before going back into her room. The extent of my interactions

First, take a deep breath. Second, when she receives positive feedback she’s happy to share that. She retweets the positive fashion coverage she receives. But when it’s negative it’s all, “why are women judged so unfairly?!??” You can’t have it both ways. Also, saying you don’t like an outfit is hardly tearing someone

I’m a woman of color and I disagree with your opinions. It’s almost like we’re not all the same and don’t all share the same opinions. Weird. Anyway, I don’t think Olivia’s feelings aren’t valid. It’s just weird she’s aiming this type of criticism at these two bloggers. Why not take on Tom and Lorenzo? Or the other

“Colin Jost looks like a recently-defrosted fan who won a contest to be ScarJo’s date in several of these photos”

Treating an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion.  Calling it as such is incorrect and dangerous.

Not only have you done the right thing, but you have waaaaaaay more than 10 more “good” years ahead! I know it’s rough, but realistically he wasn’t a good man - the fact that he would move mountains for others while only giving you a pick axe to move your own speaks volumes. Very proud of you doll! Now, time to find

So it took me quite some time but finally called it quits with my partner of almost 13 years. I knew it was the right thing to do but I’m still incredible sad and though it was definitely my choice I feel like bursting into tears at any moment.

This is 100% true, and is a position that organizations are pushing DA’s to take around the country—not sure what is so astounding about this concept.

She does not.  California allows the option of serving as an apprentice to a licensed attorney for four years.  After that time, you can sit for the bar and, if you pass, able to practice law in California just as any other attorney who passes the bar.  The pass rate for people who try it this way is about 30%.

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

Shelter Cat Update!

Some do, some don’t. But I doubt any university would put Laughlin in the same category as Tom Hanks as far as bringing in some status-enhancing prestige parents goes.

I think the plea offer included jail time.  

While none of that appeals to me in the slightest as a parent, I’m still a bit stunned that Jez let Rich publish this article with such a judgy tone. I can guarantee that no parent would have written something like that, as we all know people who co-sleep even with their older kids, and per Mila’s commentary - yes,

She has subscriptions.

Well I mean when your mom is/was drug addicted and your dad killed himself and you live constantly in their shadow and with the weight of that grief yeah I is great but I bet it kind of sucks sometimes

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