
People fight like fucking animals the second their kids are involved. 

more like kit lackofharington, amirite?

Almost 20 years ago, my girlfriends and I somehow managed to talk our parents into letting us go to Cancun for senior year spring break (wtf were they thinking, btw?!). We stayed in a relatively dumpy hotel and met some random “hot college boys” by the pool day one. We ended up hanging out with these guys the whole

I went to the Tia clinic and was discouraged to find that I had to get my blood tested at a Quest diagnostic center at a separate location. They also never let me know the results of my blood test, including an STI panel...I hate to say it but I think this is what happens when you open up a clinic but you don’t have

My first reaction when I first heard about it was“Your plan use a business model designed to encourage people to sign up for recurring billing and forget/never use the service but then market it to people who specifically want high touch individualized medical care and then only hire one doctor?”

Fake pregnancy is a really shitty April Fool’s joke; that facial hair, on the other hand, is a GREAT ONE.

Jameela Jamil is the hero we all needed but do not deserve. 

You can pinpoint the moment where his heart breaks!

Once I hid under the covers so well while mom was in the shower when she got out she couldn’t find me. She had the neighborhood looking for me outside while I watched them all scream my name. She finally came back in and saw me on the bed laughing. She was crying. Think I was about 5.

I haven’t done it to them yet.  When they are older and the time comes they will be left in a home and forgotten.  Discarded much like they did to me when I was a teen.  Until then I will live at a distance to them as a constant reminder that no matter how much they try I will live a better life they they ever did and

When I was about 6ish/ 7 ( I am an old) I was allowed to take my birthday money and go to the college record store to buy a record. The college kids kind of steered me to a record with a picture of Queen Elizabeth on the cover instead of the Little Red Hen, and I liked the tiara so I unknowingly bought a Sex Pistols

I grew up in a two family house. A young couple lived on the first floor and mine lived on the second. One day the wife came up to have coffee with my mother. I told the wife that my mom laid on the floor to hear the couple’s fights better.

Dear Kimora and Russell: No she did not. Maybe she would have gotten in if she came from a different family or different parents, assuming the alternate-universe parents could also send her to the same prep schools and enroll her in the same extra-curriculars, and get the same quality recommendation letters.

A little over a decade ago I actually did this!!!!

WHEW she looks like Kris in that pic.

I don’t like to terrify people, but I also think it is useful to say, “You might feel like there is no way you can survive the horrifying pain in the moment, but don’t worry, you probably will.”

Our pediatrician does not accept patients who refuse to vaccinate because he’s an actual doctor. My daughter has a classmate with an active case of chickenpox (parents didn’t vaccinate on the *religious* exemption) and they are FURIOUS that she isn’t being allowed back to school for a month. She is covered in welts

But, unlike before, I have learned my lesson and I am choosing not to make our decision public.”

It’s important to note that Chelsea’s “as an American citizen” line was in response to a woman in that thread who said, “As a Jewish woman”. People ignored that to make it seem like this is proof positive that Chelsea Clinton hates brown people or something.