
I was frustrated that the article didn’t dig further into the fact that the SFUSD program was intentionally created to work with counseling services so if the issues with chronic truancy were related to neglect or homelessness or lack of transportation or a parents’ substance abuse, those services could be provided.

I am completely and totally against the criminalization of truancy. But I also don’t think this means she isn’t a genuine progressive. Harris was genuinely trying to fix in ill and believed it benefited students who are often under-served and overlooked. I get criticizing it. The system doesn’t work and should be

we run the risk of being glib if we rush for click-baity headlines like “This is what Truancy Laws do”.

And the fact that it was only used against 20 parents shows that they weren’t just running around charging anyone. It was likely used in specific cases where it felt relevant.

I was a prosecutor in Upper Marlboro for around eight years, several of which were in Juvenile. I didn’t do adult truancy much - the Juvenile Chief handled them, primarily - but I handled some of them when she needed help. My time in Juvenile was the saddest in my career, watching these young people who desperately

I disagree. The real tragedy are his victims. Another way of looking at Michael Jackson is he crafted a persona that appealed to children. Mild- mannered. Child-like. His home was built to entice children. All to create the perfect environment for a predator. People act like Michael Jackson was some sort of naive waif

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.

I worked at a huge furniture company with a team of about 12 receptionists. There were a few older ladies and one had never been married and was already in her 50's so we knew she was never going to have children but she got an adorable white shitzu puppy. We decided to throw her a surprise puppy shower. Everything

Yes, I think an epilogue is necessary here.

Woo! I’ve got one! So, this chick was the SiL of my best friend, and when the baby shower invites  get  around, my best friend *begged* me to go because “jesus christ Heathens, this bitch is insane and I need a damn witness”

At my brother and his wife’s baby shower his MIL spent the entire time bossing everyone around while drinking vodka out of a water bottle. She yelled at her husband to go out and get more when she ran out, and then proceeded to vomit all over the one bathroom in the building. The entire shower was made up of mostly

The time a certain relative got so upset about a younger sibling getting pregnant first that she decided to get pregnant as well. During the shower.

I really wish you could enter a plea of “this law sucks” in addition to either guilty or not guilty.

Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest

This reminds me of my partner and how he used to say he’s the one who “works.” It excuses all manner of laziness in the home. Housework and child-rearing is work. Unpaid, unappreciated work.

I feel really bad for women who get played like this. It makes me so angry knowing certain men are totally cool with doing nothing to help their wives/partners take care of the children or clean house. One of my friends told me that her husband drops their children off with his mother or her mother if he has to take

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”

My husband’s usually really good about that stuff, but our new baby has a colostomy bag, and he’s replaced the bag (which happens every 24-36 hours) maybe twice since we brought her home in December, because I’m “so much better at it”.  I shouldn’t be the only one to have to deal with little poop geysers!

Ugh.  I so feel this article right now.  Yesterday, I braced the freezing cold to come into work to try to finish a project due to my team yesterday.  In the days prior me and my husband, who is at home with a broken foot, discussed me taking our daughter into daycare.  I decided against it for several reasons: (1)

I went through this journey too. She pretty much has to do more rounds to have a chance. Only 9 eggs were mature enough to freeze. Only a percentage will survive the thaw, then only a percentage will fertilize, then only a percentage will grow to day 7, and then only a percentage will be genetically normal (e.g.,