
As an expert, can you weigh in on why Barbie Girl by Aqua is not a bachelorette playlist mainstay?

Enjoy your last week of mat leave! And no flack at all for the breastfeeding jealousy. If it makes you feel any better my baby used to ONLY latch when I was walking around, basically making himself some sort of infant fitbit/crone curse.

Best thing I included in my birth bag...air freshner. Thank you thank you Meyers air freshner. 

Gah I love the boop noses part! 

He’s a grown man who had been chauffeured home too many times and couldn’t remember his address without driver. Is how I’d put it. 

If families aren’t offlimits to these Republican twatwaffles, then they can expect their family DINNERS not to be offlimits for protesting. The fact that actual parents could support this type of trauma and cruelty is absolutely mindboggling.

Yeah I would definitely invest in some sage. I would also recommend buying and burning a Aloha Bay protection candle (you can buy it on amazon).

Wellllll that is certainly creepy. I’m sure you’ve already done this but...have you saged the place? Does it feel scary at all or just kind of like eyeroll “Oh great...the dead kids are playing again?”

Congrats! Also...why do you think it’s haunted?

Chiming in to say, please hang in there. You are someone I look forward to reading comments from.

Truthfully I don’t think there is one correct way to do something like this. You did what was right for you, your little and Bella and that’s what’s most important. You can tell your little that you understand why she wishes things were different but that Bella knew that she was loved when she passed. I will say that

She looks like she’s Laura Bush’s stand in.

We have the little electric nail filer but I feel like now that he’s getting a bit bigger (4.5 months!) his nails are too big for just filing. I realized after the blood rain incident that I’m actually the better choice for clipping because I also clip the cats claws and it isn’t completely dissimilar.

I will also sounds like familial DNA may have helped catch him. If that is the case, there is a chance his children connected some dots after reading or hearing about the book. It’s conjecture, but thinking about the timeline it certainly makes sense that perhaps someone DID read the book and realize that

Real Housewives of New Jersey; the Teresa table throwing era but with more hair gel.

so much blood. My husband clipped our baby’s finger and got blood all over his “Dad & Me” cloud onesie. It looked like blood rain.

I wish I could double star you for your use of “She’s the One.”

She don’t impress me much.’s a whole helluva lot easier to be strict about the no pacifier thing if you have a nanny to hand the kids off to when they start crying.

22 hours here! Well I guess 21 hours of labor (with 3 of it pushing) and then an hour for the c-section after he refused to exit stage vagina.