But I love April still! Also I still was holding out hope that she and Jackson would reconcile...
But I love April still! Also I still was holding out hope that she and Jackson would reconcile...
Good luck! It really is a huuuuge relief once the baby is out. I’m two months post c-section and I feel almost like my old self, even though newborn sleep is insane it is still WAYYY better than 3rd trimester sleeping (physically at least). I know a lot of women say that you forget what birth/terrible pregnancy…
I am so sorry you are going through this. I had one missed miscarriage (which required a d & c) and a chemical pregnancy ( super early miscarriage) back to back before getting pregnant with my son (he’s currently 6 weeks and sleeping on my arm). I did the tests, used allll the ovulation sticks and apps and felt…
My heart hurts for you, your post to him is incredibly touching and I just want you to know that it made me weep for you. Hugs and warm feelings of love from a great distance.
If only we could get Gawker up and running again...I feel like in the past Jezebel used to be the “annoying younger sister” where mostly ladies would comment and with that gone I feel like the male commenters have spread to all the other websites including Jez.
We’ve all been there. Also most of us have also backslid and had sex with said “friend” only to lead to a rabbithole of “Are we back together?”...followed by confusing sadness and sex that feels like home but then realizing that you didn’t renew the relationship lease and now you’re just dick squatting and someone new…
This. In my last job the department went from 10 people (including me) to 3 people (including me) then they fired my male coworker and expected me to do all his work. He told me before he left how much he was making (over $8k more than me with commissions) and so when they brought me in I asked for the same salary…
How old do people start sleep training babies? I assume not within the first 1-2 months?
It CAN, however, bail you out of jail!
Thank you!
Would you recommend that book? A nurse mentioned the 5 Sses and I am a little intrigued.
Thank you! Yeah they tried to manually turn him (didn’t work) and the 3 hours of pushing apparently didn’t help matters...I can’t imagine having to do another hour so serious props to you. Having a baby is no joke, and I’m just so glad to have him out. Also I wish they could bottle the feeling you get from newborn…
I will admit...we have the Swaddle Mes and even that was a bit too complicated for me in the middle of the night with screamy mcscreamerson. I think I can probably figure it out faster, probably in time for him to go to college.
Bless you. I’m ordering one asap!
Guys! I had a baby last week! 22 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing and 1 csection later the little dude has arrived. And I basically haven’t slept since my water broke last week on Thursday evening ( technically Friday at 1 am). He’s great, very gassy and prone to waking up and only wanting to sleep while sitting on…
Thank you for saying that. Also...who the heck is giving them stars???
Today my normal coffee spot was overrun with Santas so I stopped in a Sbucks for a almond milk latte ( no special flavor pumps or bells and whistles)...it was so so bad. I considered throwing it out and walking 10 minutes out of my way to a different coffee spot but I can’t waste the money right now so I choked it…
Is Katie paid in unfortunate haircuts?
YES! The juice part was the most DAMNING evidence that she was in on the scam (to me at least). She and Brooks both wore shirts and talked about how he stopped taking chemo and was feeling better and they had that juice lady come by and talk to them about it!
My takeaway on the Lydia vasectomy thing was that they want to try to have a girl, and rather than do it the “natural” way and risk another boy, this way they can say that it needs to be done via IVF since he’s had a vasectomy and only use lady embryos. Just to be clear, this is not how I think, but rather how I think…