
Absolutely. It's amazingly delicious, super rich, and it makes a pretty large torte so it goes a long way. You can also leave out the espresso for those who aren't interested in the caffeine and it still tastes great. I usually serve it in inch-wide slices because my family members can't handle more than that at a

Just got home to Illinois after a long day of traveling from my school on the East Coast. Yay! Thanksgiving break. I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving. I love eating food, cooking food and looking at food so naturally I just spent an hour planning out the menu for my family's Thanksgiving dinner. We usually have about 20

Just got back from a hang out at which someone told me that they were so glad that we got along because "based on what everyone else has said, I was a huge bitch and had a really clingy personality." Even though "everyone else" is her ex-boyfriend who is best friends with a guy that said I'm okay because I'm "only

Hand painted all of my school's Women's Center today with one of my besties. I've forgotten after being in college for 3.5 years how tired manual labor can make you. I thought papers exhausted me, oh hell no. At least you can fight mental exhaustion with caffeine, after painting for 8 hours today all I want to do is

Drinking Woodchuck and watching tv with two of my besties, just waiting for the hurricane to arrive. I've got to stay awake forever because I have an entire floor of freshwomen that are counting on me for guidance/ advice (I have an RA-ish position). Practically had the threaten then to convince them to not go out to

Just watched the new Jane Eyre movie. Was pretty disappointed. They cut out the entire supernatural element of the story (which was what made it special, in my opinion) and even cut out some of the fun scenes like the fortune teller scene and some of the happier times at Lowell. They also literally stripped the film

A visit to Planned Parenthood is on the agenda for tomorrow. Thanks so much for the advice. I'm willing to do anything I can to get Nuva Ring because I'm honestly just so tired of the pill.

Went to get the Nuva Ring today, which I've been very excited about because it means I don't have to remember to take my birth control everyday and thus won't have to use a condom with my boyfriend (I'm REALLY REALLY paranoid about getting pregnant so I make him wear a condom since I'm forgetful). Get the scrip from

It's also hard to feel bad for Arlene when she says racist shit in every other episode. Any interest in her plot line was lost to me at "you people."

Got a new (curly) haircut today. They alway use their expensive DevaCurl hair products to style my hair, and then they make me sit under a dryer for 20 minutes. Expensive, time consuming and annoying, but DAMN my hair looks good. Good enough that I am going to try to change up my routine to incorporate DevaCurl

I am. Only recently, and I'm having a really hard time dealing with it. It just came to light that one of my aunt's husbands has done some awful awful things, and everyone is pretending like it is okay because "he said sorry to God." It's actually my ENTIRE family outside of my mom, stepdad, and brother. And we have a

I just flipped to the SVU marathon after seeing your post. Cue rant from my roommate about how I am a fake feminist because I like a show that exploits rape victims. The problem was, I didn't really have a good comeback/explanation. Anyone else have some redeeming things to say about the show? Right now I can only

I'm reading it now for the same reason! The cover art is the best part in my opinion.

Thanks for the suggestion. Now eating dinner with Harrison Ford.

TV was a great idea. I'm now eating to one of the Indiana Jones movies. I made organic marinara sauce with spaghetti and homemade meatballs. It's pretty delicious, which helps out a little with the lonely business.

Agreed. I'm pretty sure I just made enough spaghetti for an entire family. I'll be tired of meatballs by Tuesday. Ugh.

Just made my first meal in my first apartment where I'm living all alone, (you guessed it) for the first time. The food 's good but the apartment is . . . lonely.

Jane Eyre wasn't playing at the theater anymore so my mom and I rented The Rite. Seriously scary shit. I won't be able to sleep tonight. Why oh why I do I pretend like I like scary movies?

I'm a U.S. citizen and college undergrad and am trying to get to Cuba this winter. I write for a couple of student publication and am trying to get a journalism travel license, but that's as far as I get. The application for the license is online, but I don't want to start it until I know what I need to really

Has anyone seen Jane Eyre yet? I'm going to a showing with my mom in about 40 minutes and I'm excited, but don't want to get my hopes up too high.