
It has been a rough semester, but I'm back home with my best friends and am ready to paint the town red. I'm really excited to kick back tonight and order amaretto sours for $5 cheaper than they are on the East Cost. Gottta love the midwest.

I'm sorry, is my sight going or do I actually see a bunch of commenters pretending like "slipping up" and saying derogatory things is okay? When Britol Palin and sister "slipped up", "made a mistake", "said something really fucking offensive and later apologized" people CRUCIFIED HER on this cite, and they are much

I'm pretty sure this happens on most college campuses. I get that the clip was taken at an Ivy League university. I go to Yale and am in no way denying the sexually violent culture on Yale's campus. However, I'm also from Illinois and spent 18 years growing up on the campus of a large state school. Difference in

How small was your school? With only 5,000 undergrads Yale could definitely be consider small, especially when you compare it to Big Ten school that have 40 and 50 thousand students.

I'm also a student at Yale and I'd like to respectfully disagree with your statement that the environment at Yale is not hostile. These events are not at all rare. In fact, the preseason scouting report and the chanting both happened this year. The pundits party, during which members of the Pundits party roofied 25

This has happened to me before. I got super freaked out and went in to see my doctor. What she said can happen is that you body sometimes gets confused about what the hormone is telling it to do. Basically, you might have confused your body to the point that it thinks it is supposed to bleed when it's on the pill. So

Totally agree with you. I'm bi-racial and despite whether or not I "believe" in the one drop rule or support the reasons for its origins, the greater public makes split second judgements of me based on my obviously not white skin color. Though it's completely legitimate to argue that Halle's daughter is half-white too

Writing a short paper and watching LOTR. Not a bad Sunday night.

Nothing like convincing yourself to go to a party at the last minute because you don't want to be lame and showing up and finding out that it totally wasn't worth it. Just ordered pizza. Any suggestions for a movie to watch?

@Descarada: Thanks for your comment. The last thing I need is more cray cray in my life right now. New Year. New start. No cray cray.

Had a fantastic New Years. Went out on the town with 5 of my best guy friends (all of my woman besties were gone or tied up with boyfriends). Spent most of the night with one of my good guy friends from high school and things were awkwardly. . . tense. Sexually. I'm brushing it off as no big deal because I have a

@OffTheRecord: I have had several serious knee injuries (ex-soccer player) and I can tell you that they don't always swell or hurt very much. When I tore both my MCL and my LCL they just felt really loose, so I waited a while to get them checked out and I was definitely sorry that I didn't go in sooner. I actually

When I was seven I wanted the Addy Walker American Girl doll very badly. My school auctioned her off at our holiday party and I spent all of my saved up allowance on tickets. I cried and cried when I didn't win and my mom apologized and said I would never get her because she couldn't spend that much on toys. (She was

@SunnyBunnyDays: Thanks. You're so right, i'm just still in that phase of wishing all of this would go away.

Am officially having the worst holiday ever. A terrible secret about my aunt's husband was just revealed to the family. A TERRIBLE secret that he would go away to jail for for a very long time. This secret also directly endangered all of the young women in my family for the last 10 years. She is staying with him. My

@scullymurphy: I also read somewhere that she's pregnant. Haven't confirmed yet with another source, but after seeing that he was dating his grand-daughter, I'm willing to believe anything.

@clockwork: obviously it should be the "Your so gay" comments.

Finally, a chance to share a life story on Jezebel!!!

andddd sometimes chants are just perpetuating sexual violence.

Whoa whoa. I was born out of wedlock. Yes, my parents raised a child without being married. Do you have to be married to have children these days? Is that a rule I missed? That sucks for all of the people that still can't legally get married but want to have children.